The Fox

The Fox
The Fox - A Cherokee with a unique view of the world.

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Family and Friends...

      I just can't believe how FAST "Life" happens...  You can be talking to a loved one or relative one minute, then the next minute, they're gone...  Life is fast and it's very VERY SHORT !  I always said, HONOR your Elders and Love those who are around you who are still here.  Once they're gone, they're gone forever... 

      My father recently passed away in June 2012.  I had a few months to be with him again before he passed away.  Thank GOD we both healed and forgave each other before it was too late.  We were both able to move on peacefully and with no regret or left over "Baggage" hanging over us.  I know that not everyone in life gets that chance, but my dad and I were the lucky ones.  Now I am honoring his last request : WATCH OVER MOM


      I always go out of my way just to make sure that I always go that extra mile for the Family, Friends, and people in my inner circle that I still have left in this world.  However, I just can't seem to shake the feeling that I could be doing so much more than I already am.  Even though I still have my own family to care for and watch over, I always "Try" to do what I can for everyone I come into contact with. 

      Now that I have been back here in my home state of Maryland for several months, I have been cleaning up my past mess, mending some broken fences that were long overdue and blazing a whole NEW Trail into an uncertain future, for a whole NEW generation that is NOW known as : FOX !  I am so PROUD of that.  It is NOT an end to my ancestors, It is a Fresh NEW beginning for my entire bloodline...  It is NOT an easy thing to do but I am strong and I will march forward with each and every passing day !  I'm NOT saying that it's going to be easy or that I am wiping out my past history, but I have to do what is best for my family's future.  All the weight is on my shoulders alone.  

      Finally, since coming back to Maryland, I have also made some new friends...  I just love the cool people I have around me.  Really cool too...  I just hope that things will continue to stay positive moving into 2013 (provided that we all get passed December 21st, 2012, first).  I am going to continue to stay on my current path in life.  Believe me, it took a LOT of soul searching, positive thinking, and fresh new ideas and ALL MIGHTY GOD himself to keep me on the right track and I'm not stopping now...  

      Love, Honor and Treasure those around you.  They will NOT be there forever.  If you have disagreements with family members or friends..., mend those fences, say you are sorry weather you are right or wrong and just get passed little problems and issues.  Life is way too short for petty Bull Shit and people with Negative Vibes, like my Sister Sandy.  It only tares us apart.  That is NOT a good way to live and as you grow older, you do NOT want to be full of regret and hate.  So Love those around you.  You may NOT get a second chance tomorrow...  IF tomorrow even comes...?   

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site  

Monday, November 26, 2012


      I did it ONCE…  I swore that I would ONLY EVER DO IT ONCE (If ever at all) !  I did the UNthinkable…  I foolishly got married when I was just 23 years young.  I did it for absolutely all the wrong reasons and certainly with the wrong person.  Still, I was very happy to be a married and settled man !  

      NOW, I am 38 and not wanting to be “LEGALLY BINNED"  to another human being.  I no longer know if “True Love” really exist, nor do I think I am capable of fully loving someone 100%, due to my past marital scars that are still affecting me to this day and always will.  The thing is…  There is someone that I think highly of, who is special to me and I do not know if I can give my all to this person (or anyone else for that matter).  This person would definitely LOVE the idea of Marriage as I also "once did", but not anymore.  My question is : Can 2 people stay together and remain a couple without the “PUSH” for marriage ?  Can 2 people remain lovers, best friends or Boyfriend / Girlfriend without the “NEED” or “FEEL” to become Legally Attached to each other ?  Can to people just be together and enjoy each other without the PRESSURES to be or look “Official” by society’s eyes ?

      I am definitely not wanting to ever get myself back into another “Legal Attachment” ever again in my lifetime.  I just hope that a good woman can accept this and just love me anyway !  If not, then I shall remain alone forever.  I do NOT want to be alone, but I may have no other choice.  I believe that everyone deserves to be loved and appreciated.  I certainly want to be loved and not grow old alone.  So, I would like to have a “Companion” in my life but I just don’t think marriage will work for me ever again.  Especially since I have a lot of deep emotional wounds and scars from my prior marriage.  I just can never go through that hell and torment ever again or allow myself to be subjected to that mindset and vulnerability.  DIVORCE…  The only thing wrong with it, is the MARRIAGE !         

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site  

Monday, November 19, 2012


      Recently, just 2 weeks ago, I started a new job.  I am happy with it and I am even gaining respect and admiration among my new co-workers which is Majorly Cool !  In early 2012, I sat down and wrote out a step by step “Life Restructuring” plan.  The plan is going GREAT !  For once in my life, things are going according to plan. 

      In doing so (like anything else in life), I have planned for “Bumps in the road”.  However, so far, things are going smoothly (Knock on wood).  I know that in life, things happen.  In this case, things are good so I will not question it.  Maybe I have an Angel watching over me ?  (Hi Dad).  ANYWAY…  In the process of rebuilding myself (in this day and age), I am also discovering new things about myself.  Things that I enjoy doing, now that I am getting older and things that I used to enjoy that I don’t really care for anymore.  I am changing. 

      I think I am starting to move into the next stage of my life.  I am also understanding things more clearly, with a broader overview of “The BIG Picture” in life.  In short, I am becoming a whole brand new “ME”.  Am I now becoming The “Silver Fox” ?  It certainly looks like it from my recent photos (See my Facebook page listed below).  I really can’t go forward without thanking The Charity Car Organization for helping to make the “New ME” possible.  

(See ). 

      One thing is for sure…  It feels so DAM GOOD getting my own independence and “Manhood” back.  Oh, and Obama did not do that.  I am doing it all on my own !!!!  If all goes well, I will not need to work this job longer than 1.5 years.  Hopefully, by that time I would have the capital or have an investor to get my B and B open and running.  Only time will tell…     

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site  

Monday, November 12, 2012

Fox 2.5 : Rebuilding “ME”

      In March 2012, I departed Orlando, Florida, and moved back to my home state of Maryland with ONLY 1 goal in my mind…  REBUILD “ME”.  I wanted to seriously take a hard look at myself, my life, my decisions, and the path I have been on in life.  I needed to re-focus myself and get on the track that I have always envisioned for myself in life.  In short, I wanted to STOP wasting time on endless BULL SHIT and GRAB MY DREAM !  

      With my father’s passing this past June 2012, I have definitely encountered some major bumps in the road, but like the True FOX that I am, I overcame it all including a soon to be legal EX spouse that has made the past 21 years of my life a pure living HELL !  That’s another story for another time, ANYWAY…  

      I literally sat in a corner, all alone, undisturbed, and wrote out a “Step by Step” plan on a legal pad for how to rebuild myself and get on the right track in life.  Then I quickly moved forward without stopping or being held back or slowed down.  Thus far, I have been executing my plan with precision.  My plan has ACTUALLY been working so far (knock on wood).  I stood back and decided to start with the basics in life that I somehow missed for 1 reason or another including obtaining my Maryland High School Diploma “Officially”, then getting a solid full-time job with a full benefits package included.  Both of these goals have been met successfully, I am very happy to say.  Now, on to my next step…  

      It is a well-known fact that I used to rent apartments in the early ’90s with a dream of becoming the first Native American version of Donald Trump.  Well recently, I have not only decided to get back to my TRUE DREAM and PASSION in Real Estate, but I am now refocusing it, in a different direction !  Renting Apartments and renting rooms is basically the same principle.  However, there is a much higher turnover in renting rooms.  So…, I am now focusing on securing a property so I can remodel it into a Bed & Breakfast / Inn / Motel and once again become a business owner (Fox 2.5).  I just think that starting off back in The Property Management field, I can make much more money renting rooms with a daily / weekly payout than renting apartments with a “Once a Month” payout.  I am still building my dream in Property Management but just starting off in a different direction with a quicker CA$H FLOW.  

      If all goes well and I successfully get my Bed & Breakfast / Inn / Motel open in 2013 (Fingers Crossed), I will then move on to building Fox 3.0, by moving on to buying small single-family / foreclosed homes, fix them up and rent them out.  This will then officially mark the reopening of my former business “Fox Property Management”.  Something that I am still EXTREMELY PROUD of to this very day because I had achieved it at such a young age, with NO help from anyone.  I did it all on my own.  However, I was just too young to fully appreciate what I had at such a young age.  I made foolish, youthful mistakes & learned some really valuable lessons from it all.  This time around will DAM SURE be much different.  I have the will, the drive, the past experience, the passion & most importantly, THE FOCUS & VISION !  That’s what it takes & BABY I GOT IT.  Now the ONLY thing left to do is the HARD Part : Find the right Property, at the right location then Raise the Money to secure it. 

      As I now move forward ALONE in life and blaze a WHOLE NEW path in MY life, MY REAL JOURNEY BEGINS…


Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tea Time : 9 - 25 - 2012

      It's Tea Time !  

The Flavor of the Day is : Almond Chai (NEW) by Twinings.  It's VERY Smooth and Light.  I LOVE it !

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site  

Monday, September 24, 2012

Tea Time : 9 - 24 - 2012

      It's Tea Time !  

The Flavor of the Day is one of my Absolute Favorites : 
Black Cherry Berry by Celestial Seasonings.  
It is a VERY Tasty Herbal Tea, very flavorful and smooth.  
I am SO LOVING IT !!!!

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site  

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tea Time : 9 - 23 - 2012

      It's Tea Time !  

The Flavor of the day is : 
Chocolate berry / Earl Grey (Mix), by Archer Farms.  Purchased from Target. 

      Everyone who knows me, knows that I am a Natural Born "Chocoholic".  To be able to get my "Chocolate Fix" within a Delicious Herbal Tea...  All I can say is : YUM! (And I'm NOT talking about The Red Robin, HA !)

I am NOW Totally In LOVE !

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site  

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Honor Your Bloodline

      You know...  As I get older, my inner feelings about my family's Bloodline, History and Heritage become stronger and STRONGER within me.  I more often think about things that were only a passing thought to me when I was younger.  To be specific: I AM 100% ASHAMED TO ADMIT THAT I MARRIED OUTSIDE OF MY RACE... !

      More and more now, I see where a lot of females are openly saying that they do NOT date outside of their race.  This is something that used to bother me but NOW...  I highly agree with it.  Now before I go any further, I think I should state that my EX-Wife was a Black / African American Female.  That is a HUGE MISTAKE that I will never EVER make again.

      I myself am racially mixed (Not my choice).  My father was a PROUD Cherokee Native American with an Irish mix.  My mother is Portuguese.  That HOT Latina Blood mixed with the fact that I am a Passionate Virgo is the reason why I have 4 kids today (2 are twins).

      SO, I am a mixture of Cherokee, Irish and Portuguese.  So why the bloody hell was I stupid enough to actually "Legally Tie" myself to a BLACK FEMALE ?  What the FUCK was I thinking ?  Oh yeah, I felt sorry for her, I forgot.  Anyway...

      Some weak-minded people will NOT actually take the time to understand what I am saying.  They will be quick to jump, in labeling me a racist.  Well, that is fine.  I am perfectly comfortable with that.  It's just a word.  I do not bend to childish name-calling anyway.  The thing that is really bothering me is that DEEP DOWN INSIDE, I feel like I somehow DISGRACED my ancestors.  I was always raised close to my fathers' side of the family and my fathers' genes and his looks and features are strongest in me.  So I more closely identify with my Native / Irish side.  My fathers side are also true traditional Catholics as well.

      As I said, I see more and more females who are FIRM in stating that they ONLY date within their own race.  I have been feeling extremely strong about that myself.  I just keep thinking: How different would my life and kids be, if I would have married a fellow Native American Female and stayed within my own race like I was supposed to from the very beginning.  However, my father himself married a Portuguese woman, my mother.  Just because my father married outside of his own race, does NOT mean that it was ok for ME to make that same mistake.  AS I GET OLDER AND HAVE A MORE DEFINED SENSE OF SELF, I just can't help but feel that I have disgraced myself and my grandparents.

      I am only 38 so I "DO" still have plenty of time to correct this mistake.  I "DO" want to marry a Beautiful Native American woman (any tribe) and have at least 3 to 4 more kids while I still can so my grandparents' bloodline and heritage does NOT die off.  I just feel so responsible, like I have contributed to defacing and disgracing my family heritage (Father Side).

      I am SO DAM THANKFUL that my horrible marriage to an undercover Lesbian is OVER NOW.  I am Totally FREE to move on freely in my life, and I am not wasting ANY more of MY TIME !  At my age now, I will only get 1 more chance to do this right and believe me, I plan to CHOOSE : WISELY !  I will NOT FUCK UP AGAIN !  I want my father and my grandparents to be PROUD and to smile in Heaven, knowing that 1 of their modern day decedents has PUT THE FAMILY BLOODLINE : BACK ON TRACK !!!!

      I am just happy that I have "FINALLY" got this off my chest !  Like it or not, IT IS MY TRUE INNER FEELINGS.  All I can say is : I AM HUMAN !!!!  If you agree, thank you.  If you don't : FUCK YOU !

My Beautiful CHEROKEE Grandmother
GOD Bless her soul.

Note : I have many friends of different races.  I do "NOT" hate other races.  I just simply want to stay within my own, that's all !  I am PROUD of that.

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site  

Tea Time : 9 - 22 - 2012

      It's Tea Time...  

The Flavor of The Day is... : Chai Tea, by Good Earth.  
It has a Whole new LOOK, but it has the Same Great Smooth Spicy Taste, mmmmm......

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site  

Friday, September 21, 2012

Tea Time : 9 - 21 - 2012

      It's Tea Time...  

The Flavor of the Day is : Hazelnut Chai (NEW) by, Twinings.  This one is a real smooth turn on.  I love it...

Today is also my BIRTHDAY, YAAAAYYY !!!!  I am now 38 years Young and I get to enjoy this Special Day with a nice hot cup of a NEW TEA.  How Lovely...  Now if I could only find a Special Lady to share it with...  Oh well, I can't win them all, right ?
Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site  

Sunday, August 26, 2012



Here is the link to Video 1: 

Here is the link to Video 2: 

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site  

No Second Chance


      Death is forever (or is it ?) !  Some believe in reincarnation.  We all have different opinions on that.  However, no matter WHAT you believe, the fact remains that you only get 1 chance to say I Love You and goodbye.  Life is too precious and way too short.  Don't waste it and always appreciate the good people in your life.  Nothing lasts forever...

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site  

The ART of Dating

The ART of Dating

      What's the rush ?  Do you really need ALL the Headaches later down the line ?  Slow down.  Take your time.  If that person is "REALLY" worth it, they will still be there.  If not, just don't waste your time.  The focus of developing yourself and your life.  the right person will come along when you least expect it and you will be ready without being otherwise unnecessarily distracted !

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site  

Dreams... : MY Dream...

My Dream

      In Life, we all do and try many different things until we find our niche or what we are comfortable with.  Here is a little more about me and mine...

      Things came so easily to me when I was young (and stupid).  Youth has NO Appreciation for hard work and persistence.  Fox Property Management...  Will be reborn soon...
Love Always in Your Life,    

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site  

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Self Portrait

This is what happens when you are Board at work... You take silly self photos, lol !
Hospitals...  There are a LOT of SICK People here, lol !

Love Always in Your Life,    

Fox +     

Foxy Twitter    

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The Fox Web Site   

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Drama VS Karma

Those who always thrive on DRAMA, also always fall victim to the same KARMA !

Love Always in Your Life,    

Fox +     

Foxy Twitter    

Foxy Facebook   

The Fox Web Site   

Saturday, June 16, 2012


My father David Powell just died. He's finally at peace, no more suffering. 

R.I.P. Dad. 05-11-1949 to 06-10-2012 at 9:30 pm. You are Loved and forgiven. 

Love Always in Your Life,    

Fox +     

Foxy Twitter    

Foxy Facebook   

The Fox Web Site   

Monday, March 5, 2012

Stepping UP Production

      It has been quite some time since my last Blog Post / Video.  I have been working on my personal life, family and self stability.  It was quite a fight.  I have had some wins and some loses, but such is life !  I am NOW 100% Fully ready to stand on my own and simply move on...

      I am currently rebuilding my production studio.  I have a NEW iMac for Video Production.  I am also hoping soon to purchase a copy of Final Cut Pro.  I already have some mics.  I am locating some lighting equipment.  I have also purchased a good amount of new clothes and I've been playing with my look / image.  There is a whole new Fox about to debut.  Not a good Fox or a bad Fox, but just a whole NEW "ME".

      Finally, The last thing is, I am saving up $4,000 to purchase a NEW Camera for filming.  I do have my eye on one in particular.  Tell me what you think about this camera : 

      Once I have my new camera and I finish piecing everything together, I will be fully ready for NEW FILMING AND POST PRODUCTION.  If you would like to help push me further and faster, I am now accepting DONATIONS here on my Blog page at : .  All Donations are GREATLY Appreciated and I "DO" thank you for your help.  It is greatly appreciated.  

Love Always in Your Life,    

Fox +     

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The Fox Web Site