For the past few years I have been going through changes internally as well as in my home life. I will tell you more about that in a future post... As I get older, I am losing faith in anything good left in the world. All I see and feel around me are negative people, negative vibes and not so good feelings overall. I watch the news and I see so much evil in this corrupt tainted world. So much evil in the world that is saddens me and sickens me to the point that I am becoming ill over it. I am even sitting here blogging about it. Look, you already hear enough about all the bad things plaguing this world so you don't need "ME" telling you about it here, right !
My point is... With so much evilness in our world, I have been wanting to do something about it ! It's a well known fact that I am a Hard Core Christian. I am a BIG believer in GOD Almighty and his beloved son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For a long time now, I have been wanting to quit my job and just devote my life to the works and teachings of our Lord. However like most people, I have to survive, pay bills and feed my family. In doing so..., I have been completely swamped in my day to day life, like a hamster on a wheel going round and round and not getting anywhere but right back where I started from over and over again. How do I break the never ending cycle ? If I had a Tiny House on wheels and no more bills, I could do just that : Quit working and just devote more of my life and time to helping others come back to Christ and devote more time to what's left of my own family...
The older I get, the more I am seeing clearly, the soul numbing evil of this world. People need to WAKE UP and start being HUMAN again, instead of the simple minded, politically correct, programmed mindless robots we've become, that serve the rich and politically powerful soulless demons that run this world. YES, I SAID IT ! We've become puppets to serve those who only seek to feed on us, as sheep in their personal empire. Let's STOP the endless cycle NOW and break the chains of political bondage and financial slavery that has us all paralyzed into a soul draining stand still.
We better wake up and once again serve our TRUE LORD and SAVIOR : BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE ! Be nice to each other, be tolerant, respectful, show good old fashioned manners. TURN THE DAM TV OFF, PUT DOWN YOUR MIND NUMBING ELECTRONIC DEVICES and start doing something today that seems to be considered "ABSOLUTELY CRAZY" LIKE : Spend time with your family, hug your kids, ACTUALLY TALK TO EACH OTHER "VERBALLY"... and here's a novel idea - try telling the people close to you that you really care about them.
If that all sounds crazy to you, how about this... Instead of waiting for someone to die just to go pay your respect to them, try visiting them in person while they're still alive or call them, talk with them and show them that you are thinking of them while they are STILL ALIVE TO ACTUALLY HEAR IT ! I know that all sounds absolutely crazy to you in this day and age, but hey : MAYBE I AM JUST CRAZY LIKE THAT !
This Crazy Old Fox is telling you to show your love and become HUMAN again. I'm NOT sorry if that turns you off, but guess what... I DON'T CARE, JESUS TOLD ME TO DO IT !
Love Always in Your Life,
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