I have a confession... I have an addiction. A serious one ! I have always been addicted to NEW Technology. In fact... I have a LOT of "Hot Tech", both past and present. I pretty much am Best Buy, Walmart, Apple, Google and Amazon all wrapped up into one !
OK, I will now run down the list ! Here are some of my tech that I currently own..., minus some of my older tech and accessories. Here we go :
Galaxy S3 Mini My Roku 3
iPhone 4 "Angry" iPhone 4
iPod 4 iPhone 5S
My NEW Apple iPad Mini My Nexus 7
Galaxy S4 My NEW Galaxy S5
My Windows 8 Laptop My "Other" Windows 8 Laptop
I don't know what to do ! I have a real passion for NEW TECH. I seem to have always been attracted to electronics of all kinds. I think I need some help, lol. Oh and by the way, COMING SOON...
Mac Book Pro
Love Always in Your Life,
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