2016 Year End Review...
WOW... What a year it was ! I had some victories and some loses. I suffered great pain and enjoyed great heights. Overall, so many lessons were learned and I changed because of it all... A LOT !
I started the year working at a major "warehouse" and a Hospital then ended the year with a Corporate job. How cool is that. However, I lost 2 of my kids and gained a whole new perspective on life, especially in this day and age. I bought a new car but lost a lot of so-called friends. 1 thing that I am very glad about, after an extensive long 3 year nightmare, I finally freed myself of an OVER SIZED, 300 pound, Puerto Rican, Psychotic, Drudged, Lunatic Gorilla MONSTER and Stalker. A real life Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde who is a brainwashed cult member and seriously mentally ill. A MONSTER who refused to seek professional help or take her medication. Marisol Acevedo, may you burn in hell RIGHT BESIDE YOUR BASTARD CULT MEMBER FATHER ! She was just simply a nightmare that was just the left over residue that was born from another nightmare and served her purpose a long time ago.
I finally canceled BOTH those checks in 2016 and freed myself from a secret nightmare that no one knew about, and I kept it quiet with very good reason too. I rebuilt my credit and also moved into a Beautiful new 3 bedroom home. I learned that I was right all these years about NOT TRUSTING "ANYBODY" (DTA). Through all the highs and lows and even through the madness and sadness, here I still stand...,
I was faced with many tough decisions that was very hard to make... Even for a strong Native American like me. I have had great job offers and learned that money truly isn't everything. Hind sight is 20/20. When I look back at it all, I know that I had to go through the mountains and valleys for a reason. The rocky storms and hard lessons that I have learned, I needed to endure. For without it, I would'd have my mind opened and educated as it is now. I appreciate life so much more now. However I am also a lot more closed off from people and the world, now more than ever. I will no longer allow anyone to EVER get that close to me ever again in life. I will also now protect my inner feelings with FIREBALLS and NEVER permit ANYONE to know the real me EVER AGAIN...
Love Always in Your Life,
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