Blast from the past Video companion.
Classic Video : The ART of Dating
1. DON'T JUMP INTO BED before you "REALLY" get to know the ugliness of the person you have in your eye. You will definitely thank yourself later for this one. If you need something to help you resist the sexual urges, temptation and pressures and keep you safe while you evaluate your potential mate, GET A SEX TOY ! It won't hurt you and it has NO HEADACHES, NO AFTER REGRETS, NO Pregnancies and NO DISEASES !
2. Get to know your potential mates Health History. If he or she has "ANY" resistance, hesitation or "Half-Truths"... RUN !!!!
3. Never EVER give out your real direct phone number, last name, home address, Date of Birth or other personally identifying information.
4. Always Always ALWAYS have a "Dummy Number" in place like Vibre, Google Voice, Pinger or some other type of "Voice Service that you can safely and remotely connect too without revealing your real true phone number. You may end up REALLY THANKFUL for this one.
5. Do NOT give out information about your JOB or it's location. Can you say : STALKER ? Yeah... Just DON'T give out your job information, but instead, just general information about your "Field of Expertise".
6. If your potential mate has KIDS... TREAD LIGHTLY and don't RUSH INTO ANYTHING. There may be left over residue or delicate sore spots. Your BEST DEFENSE is open and general dialog. Don't get to personal, too fast. Get to know the politics and dynamics of the household "BEFORE" you just jump into the lake without a life preserver !
7. Probably the BEST Platform of all is : Develop a Good Strong Solid FRIENDSHIP, "BEFORE" you move in for the next level. A good friendship is vital and even crucial to a strong long lasting relationship and future marriage. It's also a FAST and TRUSTING way for both parties to SAFELY learn about each other and properly decide "IF" the person is worth the effort, time, regrets and potential headaches.
8. Get to know each others families and friends. Outside influences almost ALWAYS have detrimental effects on peoples relationships. It's better to know early on the company that someone keeps BEFORE you get stuck in a Mud-hole that you could have avoided !
9. RESPECT each others Personal Spaces and Boundaries. Personal comfort, mutual respect and good old fashioned manners are things that are TIMELESS...
10. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL... ALWAYS meet in a PUBLIC PLACE where there is openness, light, cameras, familiar areas WITH potential alternate escape routes, and PLENTY OF WITNESSES. These days, this is just a NO BRAINER. This is the rule, above all others, that should NEVER BE COMPROMISED... For BOTH Men and Women !
BONUS : 11. Don't move in together too fast. Living Together before you BOTH are ready is a nightmare waiting to happen. Take the time to scope each other out "OVER TIME". If you rush and move in together too fast, before you get to know each others habits, lifestyles, mind sets and personal surroundings... It can be a Total and Complete Disaster. Also, if there are kids involved... JUST DON'T ! Remember, it's NOT just YOUR Life, It's their lives too !
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