The Fox

The Fox
The Fox - A Cherokee with a unique view of the world.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Warning Signs

It was mid 2015.  I was working at GBMC (Greater Baltimore Medical Center), in Towson, Maryland.  Maryland, my home state.  I was so proud to have my new job.  I was working in the Environmental Service department (Housekeeping). A good job with benefits to take care of my family at a major area hospital.  I could not have been happier.  I paid off all my bills, cleaned up my credit and then I bought a brand new car. I bought a 2016 Jet Black Toyota Camry. I called it, “The Knight Rider”.  It was so hot. I was on top of the world.  New great job, good income, benefits, clean credit and my family was well taken care of… 

Well… One day at work, on a nice quiet Sunday afternoon, I was mopping the area outside of the elevator on the 3rd floor.  Suddenly I stopped, completely frozen in my space. I didn’t even realize it. I thought I was just having some sort of “Daydream”. At that moment, I was given a vision. I didn’t even realize what was happening in that moment. I had a vision of a woman. It was a black woman, with a wide / broad back.  Sorta bold / wide upper shoulders. I even was shown the back of her head, but not her face from the front.  I saw her whole body from the back, as if she was standing right in front of me, with her back turned towards me.  It was clear as if she was really there and I never forgot that “Vision”.  I just wasn’t shown her face, of what she looked like from the front view.  Long story short, this “Premonition” was crystal clear. And it came true.  I actually met this woman, when I later moved to Orlando, Florida under very bad circumstances in January 2016, the following year.  It was EXACTLY HER.  I had seen her. It was the woman from my prior vision (Although at the time, I didn’t realize it or think about it.  

Little did I know that my earlier vision, was actually a WARNING !  I would later come to realize this. All throughout my lifetime, I have had visions of things that later happened or came true.  It’s not something that I can manually control or predict.  It just happens randomly.  I can’t explain it.  Sometimes, I would just see things in my dreams or think about things, and they would soon after actually happen later or when it’s too late for me to stop it or do anything about it.  i don’t know what else I can say about it.  The same thing is true in this case as well.  This woman I met, I reluctantly got involved with.  However, after a long series of horrible life altering events that happened because of her influence in my life, that memory of the vision I had of her came RUSHING BACK TO MY HEAD LIKE AN ANGRY MIKE TYSON PUNCH IN HIS PRIME.  And that’s when it HIT ME !  The Visions I had of this woman was more than a premonition…. IT WAS A WARNING !  By the time I realized it, it was far too late. 

We have a daughter, as a result of our involvement together.  My daughter is innocent.  She did not ask to be here.  This woman has had so many absolutely horrible effects on my life ever since.  Things have happened to me AND MY FAMILY, that otherwise never would’ve happened if it was not for her.  My sufferings have constantly been just 1 life lesson after another.  If only I would have paid attention to the WARNING SIGNS I WAS GIVEN.  I just didn’t know and I didn’t think about it, until it was way too late. 

I have a STRONG MESSAGE to "YOU", my audience.  Here is wisdom.  Please take the advice from this old Cherokee…. When you have a gut feeling about something or someone, PAY ATTENTION !  Do NOT ignore the warning signs.  Some one or something or some force or entity is TRYING to show you something or warn you about something.  PAY CLOSE ATTENTION.  That’s all I can tell you (from MY experiences).  

Finally… At the time of this entry, my daughter is currently 7 years old.  In 10.5 years (or unless something happens sooner), my daughter will officially be 18 years old and I will officially have my unobstructed absolute freedom, once again.  I can finally get away from this woman clean, without her using our daughter as a weapon against me, with threats of ruining my life (What’s left of it at this point) via child support.  If only I would have actually paid attention to the warning signs.  My family and I would never have suffered all the horrible things that has happened to us, because of this person since our paths crossed in 2016.

Love Always in Your Life,             

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