The Fox

The Fox
The Fox - A Cherokee with a unique view of the world.

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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Nuclear War

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Follow Jesus Christ, you will NEVER GO WRONG.

Sunday, September 22, 2024


FREEDOM : Abused, Misused and Broken 

Freedom….  It is something that so many American people take for granted.  So fragile, so precious and if not fought for, can be lost so easily.  However, how much “FREEDOM” is too much ? 

The United States is “said” to be the greatest country on earth.  There are many people who would STRONGLY disagree.  Myself being one of them.  Don’t get me wrong, we Americans certainly have many advantages that so many other people could not even dream of.  Even something so basic as just holding hands with a special someone while walking down a public street and taking a selfie together.  Did you know that in certain countries, that can actually land you in JAIL !  It’s true…. As crazy as that sounds.  

However… We grossly take advantage of our freedoms and it then becomes a burden to us.  For example… The 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees us the right to bear arms.  But at what co$t ?  The laws of our country have been misinterpreted and stretched beyond recognition.  The 2nd Amendment was NOT meant for a bunch of wackos and lunatics to be running through the streets of America, shooting down innocent victims at random, just because you “can”.

Understand this…. Just because you “CAN” do something or just because something is permitted by law (Like gun purchases), does “NOT” mean that you should.  People everyday go out and legally purchase alcohol and weed.  Then, they say, oh ok, that was easy. No big deal, right ?  Then, when they get to the point that they do it in excess, problems arise. Sickness and death may be something you want to think about.  Just saying… 

I would actually argue that we actually have too much freedom in this country.  There are things that we do everyday, that we don’t even think about, that in some countries would have you jailed and your entire family as well.  As crazy as that sounds, it’s true.  It can also be argued that not only do we have too much freedoms, we grossly stretch and abuse the freedoms that we currently have and we are thus causing them to be eroded quickly over time as we abuse them.

Finally, according to the World peace Index, the United States is actually one of the most violent countries in the world.  As I watch my local and national news daily, I am hard pressed to disagree.  Currently at the time of this post, The United States stands at number 132.  That’s not good.  As you look at the top 10 peaceful, non-violent countries, it is very telling of how far behind we are. The United States has a lot of work to do.  As some countries have less freedoms and harsher punishments to deter crimes, and with milder political conflict, they also have less violence, less civil unrest and less chaos.  The more “FREEDOM” there is, the more the general populations tend to “Run Wild” and FREE with no regard…. A lack of supported religious values or diminishing values thereof and negative mass media influence are also certainly factors as well. 

Support and Defend it. DON’T ABUSE and MISUSE IT.

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Follow Jesus Christ, you will NEVER GO WRONG.