If an Asian man and an Asian woman came here to The United States of America, from China (for example) and they later had a baby together, which is born here on American soil... Would that baby be any less Asian just because of where he / she was born ? No matter where you are physically located in this world, you can NOT change your Physical DNA and you can NOT change "WHO" you are ! "IF" you can figure out "HOW" to do that, PLEASE LET ME KNOW, and FAST ! OK, now let's say... That the same Asian child, has now fully grown up and is now a 25 year old ADULT !
This individual as grown up here in the good ole USA, went to our American schools, speaks, reads and writes Proper English, celebrates our American holidays and takes part in our American traditions here in our American Culture. Even though this Asian adult is now fully "Americanized" (Asian-American) and is considered to be an American citizen by way of birth, does that mean that this person is not fully "ASIAN" ? Does this person not have his / her Asian identity any longer ? Remember, no matter "WHERE" you are in this world, you can't change "WHO" you are.
The parents had Americanized their child, in the hopes that their child would have a fighting chance to create a better life for their future generations. Now that's 1 way to look at it. Another way to see it is, that the parents are guilty of "Cultural Robbery" ! OK, allow me to explain... Picture this : The 25 year old Asian-American citizen is getting older now and starts to become increasingly curious about who he /she really is and about his / her Asian heritage, traditions and origin / background. He / She plans a trip to China. The Excitement builds as he / she is finally going to see his / her family home land. To make a long story short...
The whole point of this hypothetical story is : This is "EXACTLY" how I have always felt inside. However, it has always been unpopular to voice it out loud. So I was forced to conceal my deep inner "Cultural Alienated Feelings" on this (and many other) subject matters. After many years of "Internal" struggles about this, I finally sat down and had a long talk with my dad about this (R.I.P., 2012). I asked him, why he didn't raise us (Me and my sisters) on a traditional Native American Reservation / land like others ? Why we were not "Allowed" to take part in our own Native culture and participate in the life and heritage that we were essentially "Robbed" of and owed ? Why he took that piece of our own history and heritage away from us ? How could a STRONG and PROUD Cherokee father deny his own kids of their personal identities ? Why were we deprived and denied of the upbringing that we SHOULD have had ?
If you can ask for greater understanding, be willing to also GIVE IT ! It will mean more that you know to your future generations. Like any other form of relationship in life :
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