The Fox

The Fox
The Fox - A Cherokee with a unique view of the world.

Fox Tiny House Fund


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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Nuclear War

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Follow Jesus Christ, you will NEVER GO WRONG.

Sunday, September 22, 2024


FREEDOM : Abused, Misused and Broken 

Freedom….  It is something that so many American people take for granted.  So fragile, so precious and if not fought for, can be lost so easily.  However, how much “FREEDOM” is too much ? 

The United States is “said” to be the greatest country on earth.  There are many people who would STRONGLY disagree.  Myself being one of them.  Don’t get me wrong, we Americans certainly have many advantages that so many other people could not even dream of.  Even something so basic as just holding hands with a special someone while walking down a public street and taking a selfie together.  Did you know that in certain countries, that can actually land you in JAIL !  It’s true…. As crazy as that sounds.  

However… We grossly take advantage of our freedoms and it then becomes a burden to us.  For example… The 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees us the right to bear arms.  But at what co$t ?  The laws of our country have been misinterpreted and stretched beyond recognition.  The 2nd Amendment was NOT meant for a bunch of wackos and lunatics to be running through the streets of America, shooting down innocent victims at random, just because you “can”.

Understand this…. Just because you “CAN” do something or just because something is permitted by law (Like gun purchases), does “NOT” mean that you should.  People everyday go out and legally purchase alcohol and weed.  Then, they say, oh ok, that was easy. No big deal, right ?  Then, when they get to the point that they do it in excess, problems arise. Sickness and death may be something you want to think about.  Just saying… 

I would actually argue that we actually have too much freedom in this country.  There are things that we do everyday, that we don’t even think about, that in some countries would have you jailed and your entire family as well.  As crazy as that sounds, it’s true.  It can also be argued that not only do we have too much freedoms, we grossly stretch and abuse the freedoms that we currently have and we are thus causing them to be eroded quickly over time as we abuse them.

Finally, according to the World peace Index, the United States is actually one of the most violent countries in the world.  As I watch my local and national news daily, I am hard pressed to disagree.  Currently at the time of this post, The United States stands at number 132.  That’s not good.  As you look at the top 10 peaceful, non-violent countries, it is very telling of how far behind we are. The United States has a lot of work to do.  As some countries have less freedoms and harsher punishments to deter crimes, and with milder political conflict, they also have less violence, less civil unrest and less chaos.  The more “FREEDOM” there is, the more the general populations tend to “Run Wild” and FREE with no regard…. A lack of supported religious values or diminishing values thereof and negative mass media influence are also certainly factors as well. 

Support and Defend it. DON’T ABUSE and MISUSE IT.

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Follow Jesus Christ, you will NEVER GO WRONG.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

The 5 Major Trades

The 5 Major Trades


While living in Florida (again), in 2022 - 2023, I attended Daytona State College for Welding Technician.  So, WELDING is something I know a lot about and can speak too personally. Which is exactly why I listed this one first.  I can tell you absolutely this, Welding is so rewarding, calming and peaceful.  Peaceful as in soul soothing, not as in sound / noise (just to be clear).  Whenever I do a "PUBLIC" blog post, my credibility is ALWAYS on the line so I have to be clear here.  Anyway, I met a lot of cool people, made a lot of friends and learned a lot of new things.  Welding of course makes great money, which goes without saying.  Also, it gives you a hands-on skill for life that no one can ever take away from you.  If you stay in practice and you hone your craft well, you can write your own ticket in life.  I believe strongly that welding id something that never goes away and will always be in demand.  Master this skill and employers will be running to YOU !  In my current location at the time of this post, I live in an area where the closest "Welding Opportunity" is far away from me so you will need to live in a major market area, know that.  


Here's a SHOCKER...  Being an Electrician is a High risk and that's an understatement for sure.  So you dam well better "KNOW" what you are doing.  With that being said...  It pays extremely well and you will be needed : EVERYWHERE !  Especially in New Construction.  It's a skill in demand that not many competent people can do : well.  Just know that it's not the easiest, but if you pay attention and know your craft, you won't need to worry over job security or competition.  You will always be ELECTRIFYING to all employers : Everywhere.  You decide... 


OK, I won't hit you with the expected Super Mario puns and jokes (Too EASY), but seriously, Plumbing and Plumbers are needed everywhere.  The concept is simple and ease.  Keep the water flowing and the drain clear.  That's it, right...  Well, there is of course a lot more too it than that.  However, there is always a need for Plumbers everywhere.  In my home state of Maryland, a lot of Plumbers I know (as well as HVAC Technicians) work for Apartment complexes and they tend to live on the property FREE of very low co$t rent.  Huge perk, especially in today's world.  There is no denying that it's a basic job that the "Average Joe" can do to make a great living, always be in demand and have definite undeniable job security.  If you don't believe that, wait til you have a clogged drain or stopped up toilet and think about how you feel then or just look at the online job listings and salaries and you'll see...


You know, I have to be honest... After doing Welding, Carpentry was my next step and I didn't get the chance (Very BITTER).  With my love of Tiny Houses and being able to weld my own frames and trailers, I would jump at the chance to do Carpentry.  It's also the best way to beat the banks too.  Buy your own piece of land, build your own home or small house and have NO MORTGAGE.  Just the yearly property tax on the land and maybe the water bill.  You can get around the electric bill with solar panels and large battery storage.  The fact is...  Like my great grandfather, building your own home, on your own land, is the greatest peace of mind. Never having to work yourself to death, being able to retire early and owing nothing to anyone. Just being able to live an easy life in peace.  Maybe even make money with your own business building small homes and furniture for others.  Carpentry is so rewarding, under rated and I think it should be a requirement in schoolls.  Even when I was in middle school (6th and 7th grades), I had wood shop class. I actually fell in love with a coping saw.  It's small, flexible and extremely useful for small and curved spaces and corners.  Carpentry is a fiend that is ALWAYS in demand in 1 way or another and very creative.  Just ask a guy like Zack Giffin.  1 last thing..., besides Zack, whom I highly admire for his skill and creativity, Jesus Christ was the greatest Carpenter who ever lived !  Just saying...  


Rounding up the top 5 trades is... : HVAC !  I saved this one for last (ON PURPOSE).  Weather you work on the Residential side or the Commercial side, this top trade is so flexible and universal.  It fits EVERYWHERE and ANYWHERE !  If you live in the North, you will always need heating.  If you live in the South, you will always need Air Conditioning.  And you need Refrigeration and Ventilation : EVERYWHERE.  There is nothing I can't say about this one that you probably don't already know.  This is always a quick easy way to also start a hands-on business easily as well.  All residences and businesses need HVAC.  You can't live "ANYWHERE" on the planet earth without needing some sort of climate control, no matter what region you live in.  This is the 1 trade that is universal everywhere, all year around.  And of course it pays well, obviously.  I really don't think I need to say anything more about it to be honest... HVAC is a "Safe Bet" for all tradesman and trades women too!

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Follow Jesus Christ, you will NEVER GO WRONG.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Warning Signs

It was mid 2015.  I was working at GBMC (Greater Baltimore Medical Center), in Towson, Maryland.  Maryland, my home state.  I was so proud to have my new job.  I was working in the Environmental Service department (Housekeeping). A good job with benefits to take care of my family at a major area hospital.  I could not have been happier.  I paid off all my bills, cleaned up my credit and then I bought a brand new car. I bought a 2016 Jet Black Toyota Camry. I called it, “The Knight Rider”.  It was so hot. I was on top of the world.  New great job, good income, benefits, clean credit and my family was well taken care of… 

Well… One day at work, on a nice quiet Sunday afternoon, I was mopping the area outside of the elevator on the 3rd floor.  Suddenly I stopped, completely frozen in my space. I didn’t even realize it. I thought I was just having some sort of “Daydream”. At that moment, I was given a vision. I didn’t even realize what was happening in that moment. I had a vision of a woman. It was a black woman, with a wide / broad back.  Sorta bold / wide upper shoulders. I even was shown the back of her head, but not her face from the front.  I saw her whole body from the back, as if she was standing right in front of me, with her back turned towards me.  It was clear as if she was really there and I never forgot that “Vision”.  I just wasn’t shown her face, of what she looked like from the front view.  Long story short, this “Premonition” was crystal clear. And it came true.  I actually met this woman, when I later moved to Orlando, Florida under very bad circumstances in January 2016, the following year.  It was EXACTLY HER.  I had seen her. It was the woman from my prior vision (Although at the time, I didn’t realize it or think about it.  

Little did I know that my earlier vision, was actually a WARNING !  I would later come to realize this. All throughout my lifetime, I have had visions of things that later happened or came true.  It’s not something that I can manually control or predict.  It just happens randomly.  I can’t explain it.  Sometimes, I would just see things in my dreams or think about things, and they would soon after actually happen later or when it’s too late for me to stop it or do anything about it.  i don’t know what else I can say about it.  The same thing is true in this case as well.  This woman I met, I reluctantly got involved with.  However, after a long series of horrible life altering events that happened because of her influence in my life, that memory of the vision I had of her came RUSHING BACK TO MY HEAD LIKE AN ANGRY MIKE TYSON PUNCH IN HIS PRIME.  And that’s when it HIT ME !  The Visions I had of this woman was more than a premonition…. IT WAS A WARNING !  By the time I realized it, it was far too late. 

We have a daughter, as a result of our involvement together.  My daughter is innocent.  She did not ask to be here.  This woman has had so many absolutely horrible effects on my life ever since.  Things have happened to me AND MY FAMILY, that otherwise never would’ve happened if it was not for her.  My sufferings have constantly been just 1 life lesson after another.  If only I would have paid attention to the WARNING SIGNS I WAS GIVEN.  I just didn’t know and I didn’t think about it, until it was way too late. 

I have a STRONG MESSAGE to "YOU", my audience.  Here is wisdom.  Please take the advice from this old Cherokee…. When you have a gut feeling about something or someone, PAY ATTENTION !  Do NOT ignore the warning signs.  Some one or something or some force or entity is TRYING to show you something or warn you about something.  PAY CLOSE ATTENTION.  That’s all I can tell you (from MY experiences).  

Finally… At the time of this entry, my daughter is currently 7 years old.  In 10.5 years (or unless something happens sooner), my daughter will officially be 18 years old and I will officially have my unobstructed absolute freedom, once again.  I can finally get away from this woman clean, without her using our daughter as a weapon against me, with threats of ruining my life (What’s left of it at this point) via child support.  If only I would have actually paid attention to the warning signs.  My family and I would never have suffered all the horrible things that has happened to us, because of this person since our paths crossed in 2016.

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Sunday, December 31, 2023

The ALARMING Thing About Revelation 16!

The FINAL MESSAGE that I am PLEASED to bring you, here on the very final day of 2023.  Let's do MUCH BETTER IN JESUS CHRIST in 2024, and FOREVER MORE...

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Tuesday, October 31, 2023



       Hello Again my followers.  It’s been a very long time.  For those of you still here, I’ve missed you.  So much has been evolving in my life.  You know I have to share a lot with you.  In the past, I’ve told you all that I have been trying to rebuild my spirit in our Lord Jesus Christ.  Well, so many GREAT people have come into my life that have really lit a FIRE in me that I have not felt in such a long time.  

       I have relocated to a whole new state and built a whole new life, based on my Lord in Heaven.  It’s not easy in this world, but I had a lot of help.  I actually was blessed beyond belief by 2 souls who came from clear across the world, all the way from Indonesia.  Amy and Dinesh, 2 heartfelt teachers from The JW who actually took the time to help lift up my spirit, open my eyes and re-fuel the passionate flame that burns inside of me for our Heavenly Father.  Amy and Dinesh have my strong respect and admiration for doing the IMPOSSIBLE…. They have COMPLETELY dedicated every ounce of their energy and inner being to the praise of the Lord in Heaven, and they are reaching out to all those lost souls (including my own) who just need a little help to find their way back to “GOD’s WAY OF LIFE”, not this twisted, misguided life here in earth.  I love you Brother and Sister.  May you always walk with our lord in peace and continue to do GOD’s work here on earth in strength and compassion for others like us.

       I also met Steve and Cheryl who were the best Christian neighbors anyone could ever ask for and my old co-worker Kimberly who has the ability to hold strong to her beliefs and not allow the surrounding negative vibes affect and infect her.  She is strong, smart and spiritually sound.  Steve, Cheryl and Kim, I love you all and I will never forget any of you.  

       My time in Florida has happily and finally come to an end.  Time to move on to a new rebirth and a whole new life totally dedicated to my Lord in Heaven.  It doesn’t matter if you refer to him as Jesus, Jehovah, or any other name that you prefer. Just know that your dedication, practice and loyalty to our Heavenly Father, Creator and Lord is ALL THAT MATTERS IN THIS LIFE OR ANY OTHER LIFE !    

Walk with Christ with Love Always in Your Life, 

The Fox             

Foxy Twitter    


Friday, April 22, 2022

WAKE UP : Bring Jesus Back

This has been weighing super-heavy on my mind...  It is an absolute fact that no human lives forever.  There is NO WAY of getting around that fact.  Eventually, your physical body and your soul will ultimately separate.  The question is : What will happen to your eternal soul, after it (YOU) departs from your limited physical body ?  Well... the truth is : That ALL depends on how you chose to live your life now !  With that being said...  

Life is way too short.  After over 4 DECADES of watching this world that GOD created, change for the worse and continually be destroyed by man, I am ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that no matter what your religion you are or religious preferences you have, we ALL need to strengthen the presence of GOD, by following the teachings of his, our Lord and Savior : Jesus Christ.  Together we can put the teachings of the Bible back into society.  This world has become so ugly and grim because we increasingly move away from our Biblical roots and teachings in life.  It's gotten to the point that I am speaking out on this matter publicly, here on my blog.  This world is quickly heading down a dark path.  It is so bad now that many churches are corrupt, especially those milti-million dollar mega churches (Purely disgusting to me).  I don't care what your race, color or ethnicity is, Jesus is for EVERYONE.  


 I say this with love and humility.  Please set aside just 20-30 minutes a day to read a little scripture of your Bible each day.  Turn the TV off.  Get away from mass social media and stop watching movies and TV shows filled with sex, violence, killing and drugs.  You don't even realize how much it's slowly changing you inside and poisoning your mind and weighing down your internal spirit.  Regardless of what religion you are, READ THE "DIRECT WORD" of GOD in your Bible.  That's spiritual food that will feed your inner soul to fulfillment forever.  Regardless of what you think or what you've heard, Jesus is the "ONLY" way to our heavenly father and paradise forever.  

I will make just 1 other suggestion to you.  There are many media outlets that you can choose from to gain enlightenment and direction.  However, for the past 2+ years, I have personally been following one that I can highly recommend that is Real and True.  See for yourself and you tell me...  For the DIRECT WORD OF GOD in a fair and balanced way, Checkout a YouTube Channel Called DLM Christian Lifestyle.  Please just watch, listen and learn with an open heart and loving spirit.  Let me know what you think and how you feel after watching and absorbing pure goodness that's unbiased and untainted.  Tell Daniel The Fox sent you.  This is something I strongly believe in.  I will do whatever I can to save your soul and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with anyone.  I'm not perfect, but just like YOU, I'm getting better and stronger with each passing day I eat more spiritual food to feed my soul...

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

R.I.P. My sister Sandy : 1966 - 2022

Monday, August 2, 2021

Brain Food... My Love of Libraries and Book Stores

I miss Libraries.  I miss the smells, the scenes, and the feel of actual real : BOOKS !  I know that we can download books on our tablets and on our phones and kindles...  However, that can never replace the feel and smell of a real book that you can hold and read right in your hands without an illuminated screen straining your eyes and over time destroying your eyesight.  I have always loved the feeling of walking into a bookstore or especially a library.  Here is a secret about me, my heart jumps and beats harder whenever I am in a library or bookstore.  It’s just something about the "brain feeding" feeling of being in a place where there are people who actually use their brain to think, read and comprehend everything around them.  I love meeting random strangers who engage with me in deep intellectual intercourse and pique my interest in things that actually matter in this world other than mindless "Kardashian BS" !

Here are some of my absolute favorite places that I personally recommend...

1. Atomic Books - Literary finds for mutated minds... (You would have to be from Bmore to get that)

2. Enoch Pratt Library - An awesome place to hone your inner self. 

3. Barnes and Noble : Waterford Lakes, East Orlando, Florida.  Comfortable and Classy.

4. Books - A - Million - Kissimmee, Florida.  Be sure to say hello to "Joe Muggs" and tell them The Fox sent you !  

5. Charlotte Library : Very caring people and well organized network.

6. Orlando Library - A comfortable place to unwind and feed your mind... 

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Fox 3.0

This update has been a long time in coming.  Hell, I almost forgot about it.  As a reminder of where I left off from "FOX 2.5"(Many Years Ago), Here is a link just to show you how long it's been...  

Well, It's now August 1st, 2021.  What the hell is going on in this wacky world today ?  So much is going on in today's world.  With everything now distorting the line between fiction and reality, I have been constantly focusing on upgrading "ME" continually these past few years.  I have had some serious struggles, But here is where I am today in my current life : 

Fox 2.5  - Continued

1. I cleared and upgraded my credit rating. 

2. I bought a new SUV. 

3. I had a brand new 5-bedroom home built from the ground up. 

4. My kids are grown now. 

5. I am a widower, and blazing a whole new path in my life.

6. Building a home gym and getting back in shape. 

7. 99% of all toxic people have been removed from my life.  I'm free of their madness.

8. Getting back into filming for my YouTube channel slowly.

9. I'm now 2.5 years into being a full-time vegetarian.

10. Becoming more physically active daily. 

11. Building my investments and index funds.

12. I have paid off 3 of my student loans. 

13. Past mistakes erased.  Lessons learned.  Never allow anyone to get close to me personally EVER AGAIN !  

Here are the plans for the next phase in my life.  Introducing : 

Fox 3.0

1. Cutting down on Coffee. 

2. No red sauces or Pizza.  Eat more healthy. 

3. Getting my weight below 230 lbs. 

4. Keeping my credit score above 700. 

5. Push my efforts to be a full minimalist. 

6. Start driving trucks.  I have my eyes currently on the upcoming Ford F-150 Lightning. 

7. Pay off my student loans entirely.

8. Cutting all non-business ties to others.  Assign a specific purpose to "EVERYONE" or swiftly eliminate them without discrimination.  No more baggage in my life weighing me down unnecessarily.  All business, NOTHING PERSONAL. 

9. Simplify my life as much as possible. 

10. Cut all dependence to the US Mail and all paper printed material. Go all digital. 

11. Keep a strict Monday - Friday work life and never again work on weekends. Just DON'T ! 

12. Set a dedicated and undisturbed time for Bible reading daily. 

13. Scouting investment / rental properties. 

14. Change my mindset from being a good employee to a BETTER EMPLOYER !  Build something to pass down to my son, the next generation of Foxes.

15. Live a more natural earthly life and never again allow the influence of other people to sway me in any direction.      

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Friday, July 16, 2021

Foxy Music Lover

Just a quick note : For those of you who know me or who follow me, you know that I am a super huge music lover.  I just rediscovered all my favorite music all over again with the #AirPodsMAX.  Thank you #Apple .  My heart is on FIRE AGAIN...  I can't wait to post my full review on my revamped YouTube Product Review Channel...   More details will be coming soon !  Music has ALWAYS been my Mistress in my life and she LOVES MY FULL ATTENTION.   

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra - Post Review

This is one of the BEST phones of 2021 hands down.  The #Samsung GalaxyS21Ultra 5G.  I have been using this device since it debuted.  It has the best night vision mode and the most powerful zoom features I have ever seen.  In my opinion, this is the corrected model of last year's Galaxy S20 Ultra or what it was supposed to be.  Samsung got it right.  Next year's model, the Galaxy S22 Ultra promises to be packed with super hard-hitting features and has a lot in store for all of us.

However, this year's S21 Ultra is actually so good, I am not entirely sure that I would upgrade or even see a need to ?  I especially love the call clarity of the microphone and the booming speakers that I actively listen to music on daily and watch all my favorite YouTube channels and documentaries on.  It's the perfect size with a great set of cameras on it.  The Snapdragon 888 processor chip is so awesome and I can't seem to put it down.  This is a great buy and I highly recommend it to all android users.  Also, check out the slow-motion and panorama features on the camera.  My favorite feature is the pro filming mode where you can see yourself and what you are filming all at the same time.  It uses the front and the back cameras together and That Super Cool.  I'm having too much fun with it and I know you will too !     

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Sunday, May 23, 2021


WHY oh WHY...  Why do most immigrants choose The United States to come too?  Of ALL the other countries on this green earth...  Yes, there are a lot of benefits and advantages here (But quickly disappearing).  Yes, this is "Supposed" to be the land of opportunity (which is quickly becoming increasingly impossible to reach, even for natural-born Americans).  Yes, this is "Supposed" to be a safe haven for immigrants to start a whole new "peaceful" life... (NOT in ANY inner-city, USA)  or is it ?  

The truth is the TRUTH.  No matter how much no one whats to say this out loud, the fact is: there has always been so much historical HATE, RACISM, VIOLENCE and SEPARATION in this "supposed to be free" country, that I just can't figure out WHY #immigrants choose this country of all the other countries to migrate and immigrate too ?  They say that a picture is worth a thousand words.  Well, here are countless... 


This is now the country we live in POST-TRUMP !  This country was already riddled with hate and racism, but after #Trump inflamed this country with his personal hateful views, it's now grossly amplified times a MILLION.  Is THIS REALLY the life YOU want to live ?  Is THIS REALLY the country YOU want to come too ?  Is this REALLY the future YOU want for yourself, your family, and your future generations ?  Why would anyone want to be in such a hateful place where they are not wanted and is next to impossible to prosper in ? 

Immigration is not an easy process, nor is it quick, by any means.  It's a very long and sometimes next to impossible goal to achieve, only to live in a hateful country that you are not wanted in and need to continuously fight to stay in.  Now, I'm not saying that it's not worth it overall, and I'm not saying that you shouldn't try...  However, what I AM saying is that certainly, this is NOT the only country in the world that someone can build a new life in.  There are many less hateful, less violent, less discriminating countries that are far more welcoming and would be a much better choice than the "good ole USA" (especially in this day and age).  Make your choice carefully and do your homework first before you make that leap of faith.  The fact is, a growing number of natural Americans are now leaving this hateful violent place because even we can see that the "American Dream" is just a pipe dream and a big "Hoax" at best.  This country has definitely gone down hill (especially now after #Trump screwed it up even more)  Is THIS "REALLY" the life that YOU want ?  Just think long and hard about it, before you put your entire future and your family on the line...  

There are far more countries that are more friendly towards #immigrants, more welcoming, and more peaceful to live in.    

KNOW what you are signing up for BEFORE YOU DO !

Is it REALLY worth it, when there are so many other viable choices ?

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter