The Fox

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Saturday, October 17, 2020

President David Fox

       To my fellow Americans...  In this heated election season, I was recently asked (several times now): What would I do if I was elected President of The United States and Commander In Chief?

      With so many hot button issues at hand, I have a very strong opinion on a few things that I would like to share with you.  These "Hot Button" issues include, but not limited to Gun Control, Abortion Rights (Roe V Wade), Foreign Trade, Health Care, The Job Market, Education, Religious Freedom, and Same-Sex Marriage.  So let's get into it.  What would a future "President Fox" do with these sensitive issues.

Gun Control : The 2nd Amendment : A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.  There are those, less than stellar individuals, who abuse and outright violate this Constitutionally protected right.  Which often results in illegal gun sales, violence in cities all across our country, and a call for stricter gun laws.  It seems that a few bad apples always screw things up for everyone.  Well As President, I would fight to uphold the 2nd Amendment and call for stronger jail sentences for weapons offenders, instead of taking away the rights of good law-abiding citizens.    

Abortion Rights : (Roe V Wade) : Ahh Yes...  The 14th Amendment and the right to privacy, with respect to Abortion Rights.  This has always been a "sticky issue" because it is not just a matter of law, but it also greatly tampers with one's religious beliefs.  The Law (man's law) says one thing, but GOD's Law says the complete opposite.  GOD's Law (If you are religious) is always held up as the "SUPREME LAW".  So why does "Man's Law" differ ?  I mean, after all, The first thing you do when you are in court or take public office is Sware to "GOD" (Always with 1 hand on the Holy Bible) to uphold the laws and tell the truth SO HELP YOU GOD !  God's law says : Thou shalt not kill.  Man's law (As per the US Supreme Court) says that Abortion is legal (but often immoral) because life doesn't start until the first breath of air is taken by a born baby as do Jewish beliefs also share this point of view.  So what is right and who is right ?  It all depends on your personal beliefs and how you look at it.  As President, I would not challenge the Supreme Court ruling, but I also do not personally agree with it except for the 1 exception of a proven rape victim resulting in an unwanted and unplanned pregnancy.  In which case I would ask for this additional amendment to be added to the constitution in which abortion is approved and allowed in the extreme case of a "Forced, unwanted and unplanned" Pregnancy.      

Foreign Trade : This is such an easy one.  With our country being constantly ripped off and financially abused, I would put the breaks on foreign countries like China and others who only seek to sell to us and not buy from us or bu very little.  It's got to be equal and fair and this also borders on American jobs as well.  You can't continue to BUY BUY BUY and expect to keep an equal balance of the US economy.  As President of The United States, I would definitely Increase our exports and lessen our imports while increasing our manufacturing jobs and businesses so we can have something to export, directly resulting in a boost of US Jobs. 

Health Care : I believe that we all have a fundamental human right to healthcare.  Too many lives have been lost to the all mighty dollar and the special interest groups of the insurance industry.  I say we need to put the power back into the hands of our physicians and create more affordable health care options for patients. 

The Jobs Market : Too many industries have been hurting and jobs lost to overseas corporations.  I say it's not only time to bring back strong manufacturings jobs, but also to start opening new businesses and financially support the birth and growth of new businesses.  Remove all the red tape and start lending to new entrepreneurs with SBA Backed loans that are not based on simple credit scores, but smart sound business plans.  New Businesses, New Jobs, New Future, and rebuilding America the way we should be.  As President I would boost the SBA and small business lending and not have the SBA strangled by overblown red tape, making it a useless government agency or JOKE !   

Education : I would like to build more schools for smaller classroom sizes with better technology and better pay for teachers where the kids can have a much better learning experience.  the schools would have plenty of activities for cultural experiences like Art, Music, Drama / Acting, sports and would have better computers and science equipment as well.  I would also make community colleges FREE as well and offer Pell Grants beyond that, of course with limitations depending on your current income.  I would also forgive all student debt up to $25,000.  

Religious Freedom : I would sign a new bill into law which enforces the protection of religious freedom for everyone which would include stronger mandatory penalties for psychos who vandalize, abuse, or destroy churches with the intent to hard others and deem it as a hate crime requiring mandatory maximum jail sentences not limited to the death penalty in cases resulting in the loss of life.    

Same-Sex Marriage : This is a tough one because I do not think the Government should interfere in such personal matters, however, my personal religious belief leads me to believe that same-sex marriage is just plain WRONG !  It may be currently lawfully allowed, but it is morally wrong.  Therefore while I can not dictate who can and can't marry, I would not support it either.  In addition, I would change Marriage licenses to include "Expiration Dates" for those who have gone through a "Rough Road", they don't have to go through a painful divorce process, they can just allow the marriage to "Expire" and choose not to renew it.  Think of your everyday driver's license - SAME THING !  Call it the loop-hole people can painlessly slip out of without causing further damage.  This can also be another source of revenue to support the government in licening fees as well.  Also if you read any of my past blog posts on Marriage, you know that I do not like marriage in any fashion anyway... 

Background Checks : People make mistakes in life.  It should not be held against them for the rest of their life.  I would sign into law a bill that would limit background checks in order to allow people who paid for their mistakes to finally get their life back in order and pass a background check in order to get a job.  I would make it so that employers can not do background checks for Misdemeanors beyond 3 years in the recent past and 5 years for Felonies.  If your past mistakes have been longer than this time period, why should it continue to be held against you ?  Answer: It shouldn't.  Life is so short and Background checks should not go beyond this point for any reason.         

Love Always in Your Life,             

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