The Fox

The Fox
The Fox - A Cherokee with a unique view of the world.

Fox Tiny House Fund


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Saturday, December 26, 2020

2020 Year End Review

What a year !  I think this was a year that no one will EVER forget...  This year SERIOUSLY tested everyone's faith and personal beliefs in more ways than one, no matter what you believe.  I learned so much about this country and about the people of this country in general, which reinforced why I stay so constantly and increasingly closed off from people in this hateful world.  However, from where I sit, there were some really great gains and absolutely no losses.  How many people can say that in this day and age ?  

I have actually been able to clear 95% of all my personal goals from the past 10 years all in one.  It is absolutely INCREDIBLE.  Financially I flourished and blossomed more than anyone I know (Unless you hit the lottery... and essentially that's exactly what happened to me).  In a year of absolute carnage and absolute uncertainty, I have been in a protected bubble, untouched by any of the horrific happenings of the year 2020 and the total misery it brought to so many.    

As I take the unknown leap into 2021 with the level of uncertainty it will surely bring, I have gotten off to a running start.  I am now in a position to get my formal credentials to officially re-launch my career in Property Management full-time.  I am also looking forward to scouting properties of my own to rent out and get my business going.  I COMPLETELY paid off all my debts on my credit report.  My credit score has shot through the roof.  I bought a NEW SUV.    I've been able to set aside a large chunk of money in my high-interest savings.  I propped up all my stocks and investments and my kids had a Christmas this year like no other...  GOD is truly good.  

I have prayed so long and hard for a break in life and for just the chance to make some much-needed changes in my life.  My prayers were answered in abundance.  I am seriously thankful, but I also know that I needed to go through so much pain privately so that I can appreciate the fruits that are being brought to me.  I am very thankful for the hard lessons that I have learned.  There is a reason for everything in life, even if we don't understand it at the moment.  

I also did the unthinkable this year...  I just switched from Android to iPhone, with my Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 512 GB (disappointing camera) to my NEW iPhone 12 Pro Max 512 GB.  I also switched from Verizon to T-Mobile.  BIG Changes and no more BIG OVER BLOATED Cell Phone bills for me.  SCREW THAT CRAP !  I also got my very first Apple Watch 6.  A great compliment to my 1 TB iPad Pro.  As I have moved mostly everything in my life to "paperless", I also now introduced Solar generators and Solar panels in my day to day usage, thanks to my friends at 4Patriots .  I highly recommend them.  It's not just for emergencies, it also shrinks my electric bills too.  Give them a try, you'll be glad you did.  I have high hopes going into 2021.  I am well ready to do things so much differently now.  It is my hope that my private pain and continued lessons learned from 2016 to 2020 will continue to educate and shield me and my life ongoing and into my future.  This may all sound a bit selfish but after all my past suffering, I deserve a better life and I know it.  I still have a long way to go to get to where I want to be in life.  However, my path is 100% clear and I am on the fast road into 2021 with a good plan and the tools to execute it swiftly and efficiently.  I am going down the right road in life, FINALLY...  

2021 here I come !     

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Decline of Civilizations

Public Media Brainwashing...  Are we Sabotaging ourselves ?
Consider this a PUBLIC CALL to start TURNING "OFF" the TV and start cleaning ourselves up internally and educating our minds and strengthening our spirits and our families.

Nothing is good and wholesome anymore...  We've lost our c  We've corrupted ourselves and degraded our people through means of mass media, movies, television, and magazines.  It's everywhere...  SMUT !  Our culture is greatly contaminated to the point that we no longer realize how filthy and dirty we really are now. 

Whatever happened to good innocent family-oriented TV Programs and movies.  You know..., before all the nasty sexual innuendoes, bad language, and drugs.  Mass media has a dominant and long term effect on the way of thinking of the population it addresses.  Essentially reprogramming the minds, morals, and hearts of the mass general public.  If the writer and director show that it's acceptable and ok to openly curse like a sailor and flash your body parts around and behave poorly in public, then people will surely do so and then dare you to comment otherwise.  

It's down right disgusting.  I blame Hollywood for the rapid Decline of our Civilization as we know it today, in comparison to yesteryear...  Our grandparents and ancestors are disgusted and turning...  There was a time when a woman would just so much as show her shoulder or wear a skirt just up to her knee and that was considered PUSHING IT or even "Slutty" !  Now, it's a sexual free for all and an all-out sexual body parts smorgasbord !  Where does it all end ?  Can we put "Pandora back in the box" ?  Are we beyond moral and spiritual repair ?  Can we get our old world traditional morals and values back or are we now truly beyond the tainted point of no return ?

Over the past 4 decades...  This country (The United States) has conducted an all-out assault on Religion and anything good and wholesome in this world.  More and more, we have turned our backs on religion, ignored our own constitutionally protected right to Freedom of Religion and speech.  We have systematically removed GOD, Goodness, and religion from our schools, media, workplaces, justice system, and all other aspects of general society almost completely.  In effect, we've gone against GOD and anything good.  Sex, Porn, Drugs, Poor language, and raunchy behavior that is degrading to our elders, to GOD, and to each other has become the norm.  That turns my stomach.  It's got to stop and we must change, for the sake of our society and our souls.  

WE NEED TO CLEAN OURSELVES UP and STOP Putting each other down, and stop degrading our women.  We need to once again start showing respect, love, patience, and dignity to each other, and reintroduce our almost extinct values and old-world teachings of our elders and forefathers.  We can be clean again and re-gain our self-respect.  

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Saturday, October 17, 2020

President David Fox

       To my fellow Americans...  In this heated election season, I was recently asked (several times now): What would I do if I was elected President of The United States and Commander In Chief?

      With so many hot button issues at hand, I have a very strong opinion on a few things that I would like to share with you.  These "Hot Button" issues include, but not limited to Gun Control, Abortion Rights (Roe V Wade), Foreign Trade, Health Care, The Job Market, Education, Religious Freedom, and Same-Sex Marriage.  So let's get into it.  What would a future "President Fox" do with these sensitive issues.

Gun Control : The 2nd Amendment : A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.  There are those, less than stellar individuals, who abuse and outright violate this Constitutionally protected right.  Which often results in illegal gun sales, violence in cities all across our country, and a call for stricter gun laws.  It seems that a few bad apples always screw things up for everyone.  Well As President, I would fight to uphold the 2nd Amendment and call for stronger jail sentences for weapons offenders, instead of taking away the rights of good law-abiding citizens.    

Abortion Rights : (Roe V Wade) : Ahh Yes...  The 14th Amendment and the right to privacy, with respect to Abortion Rights.  This has always been a "sticky issue" because it is not just a matter of law, but it also greatly tampers with one's religious beliefs.  The Law (man's law) says one thing, but GOD's Law says the complete opposite.  GOD's Law (If you are religious) is always held up as the "SUPREME LAW".  So why does "Man's Law" differ ?  I mean, after all, The first thing you do when you are in court or take public office is Sware to "GOD" (Always with 1 hand on the Holy Bible) to uphold the laws and tell the truth SO HELP YOU GOD !  God's law says : Thou shalt not kill.  Man's law (As per the US Supreme Court) says that Abortion is legal (but often immoral) because life doesn't start until the first breath of air is taken by a born baby as do Jewish beliefs also share this point of view.  So what is right and who is right ?  It all depends on your personal beliefs and how you look at it.  As President, I would not challenge the Supreme Court ruling, but I also do not personally agree with it except for the 1 exception of a proven rape victim resulting in an unwanted and unplanned pregnancy.  In which case I would ask for this additional amendment to be added to the constitution in which abortion is approved and allowed in the extreme case of a "Forced, unwanted and unplanned" Pregnancy.      

Foreign Trade : This is such an easy one.  With our country being constantly ripped off and financially abused, I would put the breaks on foreign countries like China and others who only seek to sell to us and not buy from us or bu very little.  It's got to be equal and fair and this also borders on American jobs as well.  You can't continue to BUY BUY BUY and expect to keep an equal balance of the US economy.  As President of The United States, I would definitely Increase our exports and lessen our imports while increasing our manufacturing jobs and businesses so we can have something to export, directly resulting in a boost of US Jobs. 

Health Care : I believe that we all have a fundamental human right to healthcare.  Too many lives have been lost to the all mighty dollar and the special interest groups of the insurance industry.  I say we need to put the power back into the hands of our physicians and create more affordable health care options for patients. 

The Jobs Market : Too many industries have been hurting and jobs lost to overseas corporations.  I say it's not only time to bring back strong manufacturings jobs, but also to start opening new businesses and financially support the birth and growth of new businesses.  Remove all the red tape and start lending to new entrepreneurs with SBA Backed loans that are not based on simple credit scores, but smart sound business plans.  New Businesses, New Jobs, New Future, and rebuilding America the way we should be.  As President I would boost the SBA and small business lending and not have the SBA strangled by overblown red tape, making it a useless government agency or JOKE !   

Education : I would like to build more schools for smaller classroom sizes with better technology and better pay for teachers where the kids can have a much better learning experience.  the schools would have plenty of activities for cultural experiences like Art, Music, Drama / Acting, sports and would have better computers and science equipment as well.  I would also make community colleges FREE as well and offer Pell Grants beyond that, of course with limitations depending on your current income.  I would also forgive all student debt up to $25,000.  

Religious Freedom : I would sign a new bill into law which enforces the protection of religious freedom for everyone which would include stronger mandatory penalties for psychos who vandalize, abuse, or destroy churches with the intent to hard others and deem it as a hate crime requiring mandatory maximum jail sentences not limited to the death penalty in cases resulting in the loss of life.    

Same-Sex Marriage : This is a tough one because I do not think the Government should interfere in such personal matters, however, my personal religious belief leads me to believe that same-sex marriage is just plain WRONG !  It may be currently lawfully allowed, but it is morally wrong.  Therefore while I can not dictate who can and can't marry, I would not support it either.  In addition, I would change Marriage licenses to include "Expiration Dates" for those who have gone through a "Rough Road", they don't have to go through a painful divorce process, they can just allow the marriage to "Expire" and choose not to renew it.  Think of your everyday driver's license - SAME THING !  Call it the loop-hole people can painlessly slip out of without causing further damage.  This can also be another source of revenue to support the government in licening fees as well.  Also if you read any of my past blog posts on Marriage, you know that I do not like marriage in any fashion anyway... 

Background Checks : People make mistakes in life.  It should not be held against them for the rest of their life.  I would sign into law a bill that would limit background checks in order to allow people who paid for their mistakes to finally get their life back in order and pass a background check in order to get a job.  I would make it so that employers can not do background checks for Misdemeanors beyond 3 years in the recent past and 5 years for Felonies.  If your past mistakes have been longer than this time period, why should it continue to be held against you ?  Answer: It shouldn't.  Life is so short and Background checks should not go beyond this point for any reason.         

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Carpentry - Missed Opportunity

      When I think back to when I was just a young Fox, I remember how much I loved working with my hands.  That was of course before the "Digital Age", which I absolutely HATE !  I think it makes us lazy and not using the power of our brains...  Anyway...

      I remember I was exposed to many cool things that I would not truly appreciate until much later in life.  Cool things like : Home Economics, Gym, and Wood Shop classes.  I think I have my fondest memories in Woodshop class... (Home Economics a close 2nd, but DAM my Science Teacher was Freakin HOT : Michelle Baldwin, lol)  No really, she was...  Anyway, I found a genuine sense of personal satisfaction from creating something with my own two hands.  Something that was all of my own.  Looking back over my seriously wasted lifetime, I now see so much clarity in hindsight.  You know how it's often said that hindsight is 20/20...  Yeah... THAT !  I now see and strongly feel that I would have been much happier going into a hands-on creative field like Carpentry or HVAC.  More-so Carpentry...  


      No one can see or predict the future.  However, who would have ever known that this thing called "Tiny Houses" would become such a hot thing and now becoming an almost essential part of everyday survival for most people these days.  Especially since the world has changed so much and the economy has been beaten and abused like an over tenderized piece of meat that was already full of holes, to begin with !  With all the things that I could do right now...  If I had a chance to get into the Carpentry / Home Building field, I would Absolutely JUMP at the chance.  One VERY STRONG lesson that I have learned in my wasted lifetime is : Money over Personal Happiness is the FAST TRACK to more misery than any human can possibly afford $$$.  Believe it...

      Finally, as some of you may (or may not) know, I am a strong Christian.  So, no matter what you believe in your heart, just remember this...   


Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Lisbon, Portugal

      Lisbon, Portugal...  My great grandfather on my mother side came here to the United States when he was very young, in search of a better life.  My how things have changed...  For over a decade now, I have been wanting to go to Portugal.  With the changing of the world today, and the sharp decline of the United States, I have been looking for a permanent place to call home for my future generations...  With that being said...  Over time, I have been checking out several cool YouTube Channels that have other Americans who have made the big jump (like I am thinking of doing ASAP)...  

      Here are 2 videos that I found on YouTube from a family that successfully relocated to Lisbon, Portugal from here in The United States and they have some very good advice, points and comparisons that make a lot of sense for those (like me) who are thinking of relocating as well.  Check out these videos and tell me (and them) what you think...   

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Career Choice : HVAC

      I have been looking at the HVAC career field for a very long time now.  If you don't know what HVAC is, it simply means : Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning.  It's a career field that's in high demand and you can always find a job with a good skilled trade.  Think about this...  In the north where is typically cooler or cold, they always need heat.  In the south where it's typically warmer or hot, they always need Air Conditioning.  Everyone and everywhere needs Ventilation (and Refrigeration).  So, you can be sure to always have a good-paying job somewhere and anywhere.  

      At this point in my life...  I find myself in a very unique position.  A lot of my younger life is resurfacing (I always loved working with my hands), and I want to have a good salary and well as the enjoyment of fixing things.  Currently, I have a good-paying job and even I have to admit, they really do treat me GREAT (certainly much better than I deserve, I think).  With that being said...  No matter how good an employer treats you, sometimes you just need more...  Good treatment is wonderful, don't get me wrong, but at the end of the day, the bills must be paid and it wouldn't hurt to be able to build a little personal nest egg as well.  

      HVAC is a good career that you can use ANYWHERE !  You can dress comfortably while you work and earn a good living.  I also love the fact that it's a career that a woman or a man can do.  Besides, in this day and age, learning a good skill is something that's worth its weight in gold.  As I said earlier, I make a good salary, its NOT GREAT, but good...  After doing a lot of research on salaries in various career fields and locations, It's crystal clear to me that HVAC Technicians make way more than I do currently and they don't have to deal with rude customers screaming in their ears or upset angry people and past-due bill payments, lol.  I've had enough of that so I am looking to now go a much different direction in life.  For many years I've admired Skilled Labor Professions like Carpentry, HVAC, Electricians, and Home Builders.  I think it's time for me to learn a new skill before I am too old to do so.  I've got a good 20 to 25 years left in me still, before retirement.  I want to be more active again, instead of just sitting behind a desk and gaining weight.  I just want to do something different, that's more hands-on and physical with skills that are in demand and I can enjoy it.         





FINAL THOUGHT : It is Honorable to be able to create things.  Especially in this day and age when more people are becoming pure destroyers.  Did you know that Jesus Christ himself was a Carpenter !

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Friday, July 10, 2020

I Wanna Start Bangin...

       I have noticed that since my kids have grown up and my wife passed...  I have looking in been looking at myself in the mirror more And more lately and thinking...  WHO THE F**K IS THAT ?  I remember I was so young, so fearless, so strong, so creative and so dam visioned...  I loved doing creative things and fun things like play Drums, Pool and Video Editing...  

      Well... For quite a long time now I have secretly been wanting to get back into playing drums.  I miss the aggression, the creativity and the passion all rolled in one.  Now of course I have no where to put a drum set.  And that angry fat bastard COVID-19 has everything completely shut down.  So I don’t even have a place to go and feed the hungry Beast in me that is roaring to break out.  It’s well known about me that I am a hard core music lover, but you may not know that I really want to make music ! 

      I have become a classic “DAD”...  I really want to get back to being... : “ME” !  My eyes are so much more open now.  Maybe age and hard lessons of life are making me wiser ?  Maybe I have "Finally" grown up to become the person that I was always meant to be ?  Who knows ?   Either way, it’s about time I get back to being “ME”...  Start enjoying MY life and start doing the things that I love doing again...  I may have been born in the wrong body and forced to “Not be myself”, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy doing the things that make me who I am... 

      I have had many loves and even more disappointments.   Through it ALL, the 1 person that I never really paid any attention to was...  ME !  ME, DAM IT !!!!   I was someones SON.   I was someones Brother.   I was someones Husband, Father, Nephew, BLAH BLAH BLAH.   

      NOW... WHO THE FUCK AM I ?   That is the 1 main question that I have yet to still answer, and I am past the BIG 4-0.   I have lived for everyone else, but ME.   I have lived for this one and I lived for that one.  I pleased my family and I humored my "so-called" friends.  Does anyone really care for "ME" or want to know who I really am inside or what makes “ME” happy ?  It’s time I start living for ME !   


Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Monday, July 6, 2020


      As I look back on my like...  I can't help but wonder : Why did I have to learn lessons the HARD WAY ?  I have been in the most horrific situations unnecessarily.  So much of my life wasted unnecessarily, only because I made the wrong choices and I didn't listen to the advice of my elders.  In other words, I was told the stove was HOT, but I still had to touch it and get burned to truly "LEARN" (and retain and understand).  That being said...  Lets's talk about : FREEDOM !  

      Now, FREEDOM is a precious and fragile thing.  You can lose your freedom (and peace of mind) in more ways than you may think.  I bet the first thing you are thinking right now as you read this is that I am talking about people going to jail Right... : WRONG !  I have some news and food for thought, for all of you (my readers).  You can lose your freedom in many ways, other than just being put in a cage.  In fact, there are millions of "lost people" walking up and down the streets, than in any prison.  Did you know that in many regards, none of us in today's world are "TRULY FREE".  However, for the purposes of this blog entry today, I am specifically talking about, losing your freedom by your own misguided choices.

      Throughout my lifetime, as I look back..., WAAAAAYYYY  BACK...  I remember...  I had the opportunity to make choices that, at the time, I didn't see or was obviously made aware of.  However, I want to tell you that I am finally at a point in my lifetime, where I can make some choices that I wish I had made when I was in my late teens / early 20's.  That's so bad to admit openly, but it's true. However, times were much different back then.  I lost my freedom many years ago just by making 1 bad decision when I was about 18 / 19 years old.  If only I could have had a glimpse of my future, I swear...  Long story short...  Here is wisdom for all you young people out there.  If you are single and have no kids : DON'T !!!!  Protect your life, your body, your peace of mind, your future, and your FREEDOM.  Stay by yourself and put your energy into the one person that you will always overlook...  YOURSELF !  Some people say, "I don't want to be alone" or they are afraid of being alone.  STOP looking at the glass as half empty and look at the world of opportunities that you have right in front of you, without ANYONE, ANYTHING or ANY SITUATION standing in your way.  You are the first and only person that you should be thinking about right now !  You have the most golden opportunities sitting right in front of you if you can open your eyes and open your closed heart to see it.   

      Stay alone and enjoy your FREEDOM !  You have no idea how easy it is to lose it and how hard you will have to fight to get it back : IF YOU CAN EVER GET IT BACK ! 

      There are oceans of opportunities out there in life that you will never see until it's too late and you can't reach it anymore but once could and didn't know it, and you can only wish you could now...  So if no one has told you this yet, STOP...  Look around you...  WAKE UP FOOL and live your life.  My father always said : Son... It is those who are closest to you that can hurt you the most (and always do).  So peacefully and quietly eliminate everyone from your life that is no good to you and are holding you back.  Separate yourself from everything and everyone around you.  Get a fresh start.  Go somewhere, where you don't know anyone and no one knows you (on purpose and WITH a purpose).  Get a fresh start.  Don't be afraid.  Don't end up like me, over 40 years old, full of regrets, shoulda, coulda woulda's and no way to go back in time to recapture all those lost wasted years.  Live your dreams NOW, enjoy your freedom, and whatever you do, NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO GET "TOO CLOSE" TO YOU.  After all, No one in life has your best interest in mind and in the heart than : YOU YOURSELF !  Freedom...  So precious and easy to lose...  So hard to protect and get back !  If you can...  BREAK THE CHAINS, don't have kids and steer clear of rotten, life-draining, dead-end relationships.  Put your life and your trust in GOD and stay to yourself.  Break the empty bondage.  Now move forward...

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Hawaiian Life... (Never Say Never)

  •       YES...  I have been thinking about it for years...  I know it’s expensive to live there (I’ve done my homework extensively).  I know that everything is imported...  I know the rent is HIGH (But so is mine here in Florida currently)...  Even past all that...  Hawaiian life is just unbeatable.  Some have noted that they absolutely Loved it.  Others have said they freakin hate it.  It wasn’t what they expected and they'll never go there again !

            No one EVER said that living anywhere is easy these days...  However, Hawaii is 1 of those places that you Absolutely LOVE or Absolutely HATE.  It doesn’t seem to be much middle ground here.  However, I have known about Hawaii all my life and for all my Facebook followers, you know that I am all about the peaceful, quiet country life.  The big city life is just not for me.  It never was...  I was born in a city but I definitely have a country heart.  Beyond all, it’s faults, if given the chance I would move to Hawaii in a heartbeat.  


      One thing I know...  With so much negativity around me and with so much hate and destruction and PURE EVIL all around me...  ALL I want is a Large size Tiny House for me and my 3 kids, a peaceful Island life, a decent job, and NEVER LOOK BACK... 

      There are many different designs.  The point is...  I want a decent sustainable home, a stress-free life, and a whole new future path in life...  Even if I have to work 2 jobs to do it, so be it.  It would be worth it...  

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My First TRUE Love : Part III

Since the day I was born, I grew up in a household where all I can remember is good music, good times, and good company.  Music was a way of life.  It could sometimes even be a status symbol and personal image or likeness.  Meaning the type of music you listened too and associated yourself with could also dictate your social status, surroundings, friend inner circle, and sometimes could even alienate you from others.  Of course, back in those days, the music scene was a lot different.  Never the less...  Music has always had a place in my life.  It literally affects my mood, but it also reflects my mood...    

This is what Music "USED" to look like...

This is what music looks like "NOW"...

Music has definitely changed over the years, but it has always been my First True Love and comfort.  Whether times were good or bad, happy, or sad...  There was always a certain song that could automatically put me in a good place or bring up a Special Past Memory in an instant...  I don't think I could ever live my life without music in some shape or form.  With the right song, at the right moment, I can feel my inner soul Transcend...

With Music, My TRUE Inner being becomes ELECTRIFIED AND Free...

MUSIC: I Want her...  I Need her...  I Crave her...

I "AM" HER... 


Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter