The Fox

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The Fox - A Cherokee with a unique view of the world.

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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

FOX Dating Tips 101


Blast from the past Video companion.
Classic Video : The ART of Dating 

Sometimes in life, you just have to listen to your elders.  Just listen to them and learn from their mistakes.  I wish I did...  Having said that...  Here are my TOP 10 Dating tips : 

1. DON'T JUMP INTO BED before you "REALLY" get to know the ugliness of the person you have in your eye.  You will definitely thank yourself later for this one.  If you need something to help you resist the sexual urges, temptation and pressures and keep you safe while you evaluate your potential mate, GET A SEX TOY !  It won't hurt you and it has NO HEADACHES, NO AFTER REGRETS, NO Pregnancies and NO DISEASES ! 

2.  Get to know your potential mates Health History.  If he or she has "ANY" resistance, hesitation or "Half-Truths"...  RUN !!!!

3.  Never EVER give out your real direct phone number, last name, home address, Date of Birth or other personally identifying information.

4.  Always Always ALWAYS have a "Dummy Number" in place like Vibre, Google Voice, Pinger or some other type of "Voice Service that you can safely and remotely connect too without revealing your real true phone number.  You may end up REALLY THANKFUL for this one.

5.  Do NOT give out information about your JOB or it's location.  Can you say : STALKER ?  Yeah...  Just DON'T give out your job information, but instead, just general information about your "Field of Expertise".

6.  If your potential mate has KIDS...  TREAD LIGHTLY and don't RUSH INTO ANYTHING.  There may be left over residue or delicate sore spots.  Your BEST DEFENSE is open and general dialog.  Don't get to personal, too fast.  Get to know the politics and dynamics of the household "BEFORE" you just jump into the lake without a life preserver !

7.  Probably the BEST Platform of all is : Develop a Good Strong Solid FRIENDSHIP, "BEFORE" you move in for the next level.  A good friendship is vital and even crucial to a strong long lasting relationship and future marriage.  It's also a FAST and TRUSTING way for both parties to SAFELY learn about each other and properly decide "IF" the person is worth the effort, time, regrets and potential headaches. 

8.  Get to know each others families and friends.  Outside influences almost ALWAYS have detrimental effects on peoples relationships.  It's better to know early on the company that someone keeps BEFORE you get stuck in a Mud-hole that you could have avoided !

9.  RESPECT each others Personal Spaces and Boundaries.  Personal comfort, mutual respect and good old fashioned manners are things that are TIMELESS...

10. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL... ALWAYS meet in a PUBLIC PLACE where there is openness, light, cameras, familiar areas WITH potential alternate escape routes, and PLENTY OF WITNESSES.  These days, this is just a NO BRAINER.  This is the rule, above all others, that should NEVER BE COMPROMISED...  For BOTH Men and Women !

Alright that's my TOP 10 "Dating 101" tips.  There are more, but I feel that these are the most important.  I could have done 25, but if you follow these tips, you will be safe, happy and finally be able to : GET IT RIGHT from the beginning !  E-mail me and tell me what you think ?  

BONUS : 11.  Don't move in together too fast.  Living Together before you BOTH are ready is a nightmare waiting to happen.  Take the time to scope each other out "OVER TIME".  If you rush and move in together too fast, before you get to know each others habits, lifestyles, mind sets and personal surroundings...  It can be a Total and Complete Disaster.  Also, if there are kids involved...  JUST DON'T !  Remember, it's NOT just YOUR Life, It's their lives too !       

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site 

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Remembering... ME !

Does anyone actually remember what I actually (Once) looked like ?




Cherokee, Irish, Portuguese

I just wanted to remind you (the reader) of what I actually (once) looked like and to show you who I REALLY AM...

However, The Person I am on the inside, beneath my skin, is a WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY !

Maybe someday I "Might" reveal the person I am inside.  For now...  This is ME : 

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site  

Saturday, October 26, 2019


Over the past year of 2019, I have made so many changes and upgrades in my life.  However...  I have done so much for so many others that I have once again forgotten about : "ME" !  How did this happen...?  Again !  

As a result...  I have grossly let myself go.  I have gained so much weight from not taking care of myself that I don't even recognize myself anymore.  I work so much to pay unnecessary bills.  I am constantly breaking myself down to support my family and making the white man rich and comfortable, while I suffer and my family struggles.  This shit is about to STOP, on December 6th, 2019 !!!!  I sacrifice time with my own family just to get by.  I don't even remember when was the last time I actually got a good full night of sleep.  

Now coming into the year 2020 soon...  I will be putting 80% of my energy back into myself and my own Physical and Mental wellness.  For the past 3 years, I have stretched myself very thin in taking care of everyone around me, while gaining a tremendous amount of weight in the process.  NOW, it's finally happened...  

Last night while at work (Friday, October 25th, 2019), I was walking by the wall mirror in the front lobby and I actually SCARED THE HELL OUT OF MYSELF !  I just happen to look at myself walking from the side and I caught a glimpse of myself.  I was actually STOPPED DEAD IN MY OWN TRACKS right in the middle of the lobby area !  I walked about 3 steps back so I could fully look at myself from the side and front in the mirror and I said out loud : 


I look like I swallowed a freakin Walrus.  I was actually TERRIFIED of MYSELF !  I have never been this BIG in my lifetime.  The funny thing is that on my "Fox-O-Gram" account, I subscribe to a lot of Female Body Builders and competitors.  I highly admire them for their fitness, hard work and dedication to their promotion of wellness, fitness, and positive outlook, yet, I have let myself go so badly.  

I woke up this morning and looked through my photos of who I USED to be and what I USED to look like.  I was so PROUD of myself at one time...  Now..., I am completely embarrassed and ashamed to even show my face.  As of this day moving forward, I'm NOT living another day in my own self-destruction and consuming large amounts of sugar, ice cream, sweets, and junk food.  I am going to GET MYSELF BACK into shape and push myself further than I ever have in my young past.  I used to live in gyms like Bally's, Planet Fitness and work gyms when available.  I also used to eat a lot better and healthy.  I think it's time to get back to my own basics and once again take care of myself, learn to say no to others and dedicate more time to my own physical, mental and spiritual wellness.  I am going to STOP giving away so much of myself and start rebuilding myself, but even better now.  It's time to once again become : 


Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Happiness and Wisdom

Well, It's now officially been 45 years since I took my very first breath in this world.  I have learned so much through so many hard-learned lessons.  I have made many mistakes along the way.  No one is perfect, NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE !  Being a Virgo, it took me a long time to learn that...  

I have definitely made some heavy mistakes in my lifetime.  I paid the price for them too.  It is often said that it is better to have Loved and Lost than NEVER TO HAVE LOVED AT ALL...  Well, I am calling BULLSHIT on that statement !  Any Love Lost hurts like HELL.  It is now 2019.  As we are now nearing the end of the year, I am reflecting back on the past year, but also on the years of the past in my lifetime.  Being a Widower is certainly not an easy thing for anyone to be or to wish for or to have happened to them.  

Recognize the people who are important in your life and celebrate them.  Remember no one is perfect, but healthy personal connections to the people around you are important.  You never fully realize and understand how important people are until they are gone.  May my Blog inspire you to mend fences, say you are sorry even if something is not your own fault, make sacrifices when necessary without hesitation, even if you must sacrifice yourself for the sake of others.  Stay humble and know that we are all equal under GOD.  

There are VERY FEW periods of my life that I can actually say I was "TRULY Happy".  So at this time, I would like to reveal some moments' when I was actually the happiest in my life.  

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words...  Here is one : HAPPINESS !  Happiness is NOT about money, cars, travel, paying off debts or anything material.  That is all FALSE happiness and it fades fast.  I actually learned and know what "REAL TRUE HAPPINESS" is.  If YOU, my reader, don't know what Happiness is, I would like to show you... :  Here is what happiness actually looks like...  







Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    
The Fox Web Site  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Fox Family : UNIFIED !

  The Fox Family is NOW : 


On THIS Day, September 10th, 2019 my family is now BACK TOGETHER.  After 3 long years of separation, Family deaths, hardships that I never revealed publicly and downfalls, my Fox Family is FINALLY Back together again.  We've endured so much pain secretly and so many trials that I have now exhausted all my inner strength, both emotionally and mentally. 

It was "ONLY" through many prayers, personal belief and putting GOD first in my life that I have been able to endure all the "ROCKS" that have been thrown at me.  My faith has been greatly tested time and time again.  Still, I told GOD and JESUS himself that no matter what happens to me or my family, I will always keep my faith strong and always put him first in my life, NO MATTER WHAT and I always make time to read my Bible and keep his word strong within me.  

NOW because of my loyalty to our Heavenly Father Above, I have been given my family back.  I will soon make a YouTube video to better explain everything.  I will link that video to this Blog entry below and I will post it in a separate blog post as well.  The reason for that is, I believe that with EVERYTHING we've gone through since January 2016 has been one learning lesson after another.  Maybe someone out there will benefit from our story and know that they are NOT alone in family struggles, separation, and death.  

Someone out there needs to know and see how keeping your faith in GOD and in Jesus Christ, no matter what happens, will help you triumph in the end.  I'm not saying it is an easy thing to do by any means, especially in today's world.  However, I learned so many valuable lessons along the way.  I hope that our story will help someone else out there to stay strong in our Lord and believe that he has your heart in the palm of his hands: BECAUSE HE DOES !  He knows what you are going through, just trust him and believe in him and everything will be alright in the end.  Put our LORD FIRST in ALL THINGS in life.  Then you will have your eyes opened and see everything in your life so much more clearly.

Thank you Lord for all the painful lessons that you taught to me.  Thank you for giving me my family back and thank you for keeping me safe in your hands : AMEN ! 

The Fox Family : September 10th, 2019
Michelle, David, Brandon, Victoria
Pretty Girl, Papa Fox, Little Fox, Snoopy


My mission here in Maryland is NOW complete.  Time to move on soon...  What new wonders and lessons will 2020 bring us...? 



Deloris "Chipmunk" Fox
August 15th, 1966 - February 16th, 2018






Ashley Fox (DJ), We're waiting...
To be continued...


Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter