The Fox

The Fox
The Fox - A Cherokee with a unique view of the world.

Fox Tiny House Fund


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Monday, January 23, 2017

I'm Thinking....small !

I'm thinking "small" in 2017.  Tiny to be exact...  I have been looking into Tiny Homes for quite a few years now.  After much research and personal evaluation, I'm finally ready to take the BIG plunge and go tiny...   

Recently, I attended a Tiny House show in Kissimmee, Florida.  Instead of just researching on the internet and watching it on TV, I actually got out to see them in person.  I went inside of everyone one of them.  There were many different designs and sizes.  Believe it or not, Tiny Homes sometimes aren't so Tiny !  That is actually a very good thing.  Especially when it comes to local permit and zoning laws.  I just can't understand why close-minded, prejudice governments want to make it so hard for people to live the way THEY WANT TOO.  

In my opinion, it's the best thing to do in this day and age.  I mean after all, We as human beings need to start scaling back the imprint, damage and waste that we have imposed here on our planet.  Mother Earth has given so much to us, we need to start giving back to our earth and environment.  There is also another side to this.  The financial and quality of life impact.

I have lived in Condo's, Apartments, Houses and even in Motels (sadly).  It was all SUPER EXPENSIVE, Grossly over priced and NOT worth the hype that the bricks were built on.  The ones that had bricks anyway, lol.  The fact is that we have ALL been living way beyond our means.  It's time we STOP...  Come to our senses and realize that we are killing ourselves and our planet in the process.  Who are we fooling anyway ?  Do we really need such large spaces ?  Do we need such expensive ways of life ?  Do we need to sacrifice our families and ways of life just to work all those endless hours for pennies ?  And for what ?  To make these BIG Corporations richer than what they already are !  No thanks...  I'm using the common sense of my elders and I'm now scaling back and even saving money (and my impact on our planet too).  
I'm now preparing the design plans to build my own Tiny House.  After seeing them in person at the recent TH show in Heritage Park in Kissimmee, FL., I know EXACTLY how I want mine build and modeled.  I will be doing more TH Blogs and LIVE Videos soon.  For now...  As of the date and writing of this blog entry...  This marks the beginning of my own journey to go Tiny and reduce my impact on our planet as well as my wallet.  Time to start the process of flushing all those bills right down the toilet and start investing in : MYSELF !  

Oh and by the way...  Here are a few photos from my recent trip to The Kissimmee, FL Tiny House Show.  It was a Super Fun day and a seriously cool experience !        



Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

My Dream : Close at Hand...

WOW, It has been a while since I last updated my blog.  I have really been busy with work, kids, family and finding time for someone that I have been greatly neglecting... : ME !  Sorry for being absent for so long but here's why and where I am in life now...

It has taken me a few years (sad) to rebuild my credit and self-stability.  After a long hard fought battle, I have finally got to see more than just the light at the end of the tunnel.  As I am now closer to the personal and financial stability that I have always wanted to have, the time has finally come in my life to reach for my dream.  As some of you know, I have a real love and passion for Property Management and Real Estate.  You just have to be careful of the state and the market area that you are in because some parts of the country is still suffering from sluggish sales in certain areas.  Depending on your credit and job status, it can be a very rewarding life decision or a hellish nightmare.  

You must make your own path in life and let nothing and no one hold you back.  My problem was that I was always being held back and side tracked with someone that meant me ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD at all, as well as jobs that offered me no stability and no solid ground to stand on to support myself and my family.  At the same time, those jobs always kept me further and further away from my true dream in owning and operating my own office in Property Management / Real Estate Sales because they were in completely different career fields with long hours and low pay.  I was burning out fast.  

It's been a real struggle, in my fight to regain control over my life and finances.  I have now won that fight.  I am now ready to take the next step...  I am scouting properties in 2 states and market areas that I believe is a good place for me to start.  

That's about buying and managing the properties that I want to market for investments in my Property Management career.  Now, as for where I personally want to live myself...?  Well..., That's the next blog entry...

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

2017 Plan of Action

My 2017 Plan of Action  

2016 Was truly a year of many lessons.  I'm taking all those hard learned lessons and planning a better 2017.  Some of my plans are actually old ways that I failed to follow through with, which were the things that kept me safe and on track.  

1. Keep people at arms length or further away.  Never allow anyone to get too close to me "FOR ANY REASON".  

2. Assign Purposes and Reasons to EVERYONE.  If someone doesn't serve a purpose or reason, they are simply dead weight and consuming my time and energy and MUST BE ELIMINATED IMMEDIATELY !  

3. Form new "Business-ONLY" Partnerships.  Partnerships that will benefit me and move me forward in the direction that I need to go in.  (see number 2)  

4. Do NOT allow ANYONE to get "Personal" with me or waste my time. (Again, see number 2) 

5. Don't allow others opinions to influence my direction or decisions.  

6. STOP putting anyone before myself.  Get comfortable with saying : NO !  Flat out...  

7. Put Jesus Christ FIRST IN EVERYTHING, then my goals, my business and my dreams after, NOTHING AND NO ONE ELSE MATTERS - PERIOD !  

8. All the above isolates me from other peoples BULLSHIT and STOPS people from derailing me off my planned path of success.  

9. Focus all of my attention and my energy on Jesus Christ and my Goals / Dreams. Nothing more...  Eliminate ALL Personal relationships.  Business Relationships ONLY !  

10. Restructure and reformat my life to living within my means.  Scale everything down to it's simplest form and be comfortable with what I have and what I can afford !  Do only what I can do comfortably and NOT stress or stretch myself to anything else.  

11. Live Peacefully, Quietly and unnoticed.  Fade into the background.       

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter    

Sunday, January 1, 2017

2016 Year End Review

2016 Year End Review...

WOW...  What a year it was !  I had some victories and some loses.  I suffered great pain and enjoyed great heights.  Overall, so many lessons were learned and I changed because of it all... A LOT ! 

I started the year working at a major "warehouse" and a Hospital then ended the year with a Corporate job.  How cool is that.  However, I lost 2 of my kids and gained a whole new perspective on life, especially in this day and age.  I bought a new car but lost a lot of so-called friends.  1 thing that I am very glad about, after an extensive long 3 year nightmare, I finally freed myself of an OVER SIZED, 300 pound, Puerto Rican, Psychotic, Drudged, Lunatic Gorilla MONSTER and Stalker.  A real life Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde who is a brainwashed cult member and seriously mentally ill.  A MONSTER who refused to seek professional help or take her medication.  Marisol Acevedo, may you burn in hell RIGHT BESIDE YOUR BASTARD CULT MEMBER FATHER !  She was just simply a nightmare that was just the left over residue that was born from another nightmare and served her purpose a long time ago.  

I finally canceled BOTH those checks in 2016 and freed myself from a secret nightmare that no one knew about, and I kept it quiet with very good reason too.  I rebuilt my credit and also moved into a Beautiful new 3 bedroom home.   I learned that I was right all these years about NOT TRUSTING "ANYBODY" (DTA).  Through all the highs and lows and even through the madness and sadness, here I still stand..., 


I was faced with many tough decisions that was very hard to make...  Even for a strong Native American like me.  I have had great job offers and learned that money truly isn't everything.  Hind sight is 20/20.  When I look back at it all, I know that I had to go through the mountains and valleys for a reason.  The rocky storms and hard lessons that I have learned, I needed to endure.  For without it, I would'd have my mind opened and educated as it is now.  I appreciate life so much more now.  However I am also a lot more closed off from people and the world, now more than ever.  I will no longer allow anyone to EVER get that close to me ever again in life.  I will also now protect my inner feelings with FIREBALLS and NEVER permit ANYONE to know the real me EVER AGAIN...

On a lighter note, I have successfully positioned myself for great gains in 2017.  With my dreams close at hand, I'm keeping my eye on the prize and not allowing myself to become side tracked or distracted by anyone or anything.  Everyone has a purpose and a reason...  If NOT, you are dead weight and quickly eliminated with no warning.  W.O.T. (Waste of Time).  I will no longer extend myself or spend my energy or waste myself on anything or anyone unnecessarily.  Nothing is "Personal" anymore...  It's just "BUSINESS" - ALL BUSINESS !!!!   

Love Always in Your Life,             

Foxy Twitter