The Fox

The Fox
The Fox - A Cherokee with a unique view of the world.

Fox Tiny House Fund


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Sunday, January 1, 2017

2016 Year End Review

2016 Year End Review...

WOW...  What a year it was !  I had some victories and some loses.  I suffered great pain and enjoyed great heights.  Overall, so many lessons were learned and I changed because of it all... A LOT ! 

I started the year working at a major "warehouse" and a Hospital then ended the year with a Corporate job.  How cool is that.  However, I lost 2 of my kids and gained a whole new perspective on life, especially in this day and age.  I bought a new car but lost a lot of so-called friends.  1 thing that I am very glad about, after an extensive long 3 year nightmare, I finally freed myself of an OVER SIZED, 300 pound, Puerto Rican, Psychotic, Drudged, Lunatic Gorilla MONSTER and Stalker.  A real life Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde who is a brainwashed cult member and seriously mentally ill.  A MONSTER who refused to seek professional help or take her medication.  Marisol Acevedo, may you burn in hell RIGHT BESIDE YOUR BASTARD CULT MEMBER FATHER !  She was just simply a nightmare that was just the left over residue that was born from another nightmare and served her purpose a long time ago.  

I finally canceled BOTH those checks in 2016 and freed myself from a secret nightmare that no one knew about, and I kept it quiet with very good reason too.  I rebuilt my credit and also moved into a Beautiful new 3 bedroom home.   I learned that I was right all these years about NOT TRUSTING "ANYBODY" (DTA).  Through all the highs and lows and even through the madness and sadness, here I still stand..., 


I was faced with many tough decisions that was very hard to make...  Even for a strong Native American like me.  I have had great job offers and learned that money truly isn't everything.  Hind sight is 20/20.  When I look back at it all, I know that I had to go through the mountains and valleys for a reason.  The rocky storms and hard lessons that I have learned, I needed to endure.  For without it, I would'd have my mind opened and educated as it is now.  I appreciate life so much more now.  However I am also a lot more closed off from people and the world, now more than ever.  I will no longer allow anyone to EVER get that close to me ever again in life.  I will also now protect my inner feelings with FIREBALLS and NEVER permit ANYONE to know the real me EVER AGAIN...

On a lighter note, I have successfully positioned myself for great gains in 2017.  With my dreams close at hand, I'm keeping my eye on the prize and not allowing myself to become side tracked or distracted by anyone or anything.  Everyone has a purpose and a reason...  If NOT, you are dead weight and quickly eliminated with no warning.  W.O.T. (Waste of Time).  I will no longer extend myself or spend my energy or waste myself on anything or anyone unnecessarily.  Nothing is "Personal" anymore...  It's just "BUSINESS" - ALL BUSINESS !!!!   

Love Always in Your Life,             

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